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发布时间:2024-05-26 00:37:18

[单项选择]How to Retire Earlier
It’s every working staff’s dream: saying goodbye to the daily grind while you still have your own teeth. In our early retirement fantasies, we’re traveling the world, healthy and in the prime of our lives, visiting those hard-to-pronounce countries we’ve always talked about and sampling the finest local fare.
Retirement-related Problems
Surveys show that more than half of workers between the ages of 30 and 50 plan to retire before they’re 60. But there’s only one problem with this wishful thinking: Retiring early is easy, but making your money last is hard.
One problem with saving up for early retirement is that we tend not to think beyond those first few glorious years of good health and full checking accounts—we don’t do the long-term math. If the average male life expectancy is 75.2 and we retire at 55, then our savings, and stock market investments need to last for 20 years. And what if we live even longer than average A. C.To renew their COBR

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[单项选择]How to Retire Earlier
It’s every working staff’s dream: saying goodbye to the daily grind while you still have your own teeth. In our early retirement fantasies, we’re traveling the world, healthy and in the prime of our lives, visiting those hard-to-pronounce countries we’ve always talked about and sampling the finest local fare.
Retirement-related Problems
Surveys show that more than half of workers between the ages of 30 and 50 plan to retire before they’re 60. But there’s only one problem with this wishful thinking: Retiring early is easy, but making your money last is hard.
One problem with saving up for early retirement is that we tend not to think beyond those first few glorious years of good health and full checking accounts—we don’t do the long-term math. If the average male life expectancy is 75.2 and we retire at 55, then our savings, and stock market investments need to last for 20 years. And what if we live even longer than average A. Because old people tend to sleep more than average.
B. Because old people’s health usually fails during that time.
C. Because the life after retirement could be very long or very short.
D. Because some old People cannot endure major surgeries.


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