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发布时间:2023-11-01 05:37:45


M: Have you got everything now
W: No, I still have to get a pound of butter, two pounds of beef and some apples.

Where does the conversation most .probable take place ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. At a market.
C. At a hotel.
D. At a cafeteria.

更多"[听力原文] M: Have you got everything"的相关试题:


M: Have you got everything now
W: No. I still have to get a pound of butter, two pounds of lamb and some apples.

Where does the conversation probably take place ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a shop.
C. At a market.
D. In a bookstore.

M: Have you got every thing now
W: No. I still have to get a pound of butter, two pounds of lamb and some apples.

Where does the conversation probably take place()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a shop.
C. At a market.
D. In a book store.

W: Have you got your passport ready We are going to board the plane.
M: Yes, I’ve got every thing OK.

Where did the conversation likely take place ()
A. In a passport office.
B. At an airport.
C. In a police station.
D. Outside a ticket office.

M: Good evening, Madam. Have you got anything to declare
W: NO, nothing at all.

Who is the man ()
A. A waiter.
B. A salesman.
C. A railway station porter.
D. A customs’ officer.

M: Where are you living now I went to see you at your old apartment and it was empty.
W: I’m living in the city. It’s closer to work.

Where did the woman live before she moved in ()
A. In a student dorm.
B. In an apartment.
C. In an old friend’s house.
D. In her uncle’s house.

M: I’ve got to go now. I have to catch the last bus.
W: But it’s too late. You should have said so earlier.

What does the woman mean ()
A. The man should stay a little longer.
B. The man should leave at once.
C. The man will miss the bus.
D. The man must try to catch the last bus.

M: I heard you’ve got the highest marks in our class. Congratulations!
W: Thank you. I’m sure you’ve also done a good job.

Who are the speakers()
A. Two students.
B. A student and a teacher.
C. Two teachers.
D. Two friends.

M: Would you like to stop for a rest now
W: Oh, let’s keep going. We are almost at the top of the hill.

What does the woman want to do()
A. Stop and take a rest.
B. Take another path to the hill.
C. Wait for the rest of people to catch up.
D. Continue on to the top of the hill.

M: Now, do you make the best of your time In the studio today, we’ve got Roberta Wilson who’s a time management consultant. Good morning, Roberta.
W: Good morning, Paul.
M:Roberta,what exactly do time management consultants do
W:Well, Paul. (1) It’s all about helping people to organize the work in an effective way, maximize efficiency, minimize stress.
M: Sounds like something I need. Who are your clients
W: Era,mainly business people, but I’ve also worked with politicians, civil servants and university lecturers.
M:Em, quite a range there.
W: Em.
M:Then what sorts of things help people to organize their time I suppose punctuality is important
W:Em, yes and no. It’s easier to finish a meeting on time if it starts on time. But in international context, so you do have to be aware of cultural differences.
M: For example
W:Well,in Brita
A. It’s important.
B. It’s not important.
C. It’s ambiguous.
D. It depends.


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