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发布时间:2023-11-23 02:37:44


A. Astrology is the study of how the sun, the moon, planets, and stars are supposedly related to life and events on the earth. It is based on the belief that the heavenly bodies form patterns that can reveal a person’s character or future. Many people throughout the world believe in astrology. These people base important decisions on the advice of an astrologer (a person who tells fortunes by studying the stars). Other people declare there is no scientific basis for astrology, and they consider it a form of entertainment.
B. Astrology differs from astronomy. Astrology developed from a set of principles that originated more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, astronomy was also based on those same principles. But during the 1500’s and 1600’s, several astronomers, including Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland and Tycho Brahe of Denmark, made discoveries about the heavenly bodies that conflicted with the principles of astrology.

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A. Astrology is the study of how the sun, the moon, planets, and stars are supposedly related to life and events on the earth. It is based on the belief that the heavenly bodies form patterns that can reveal a person’s character or future. Many people throughout the world believe in astrology. These people base important decisions on the advice of an astrologer (a person who tells fortunes by studying the stars). Other people declare there is no scientific basis for astrology, and they consider it a form of entertainment.
B. Astrology differs from astronomy. Astrology developed from a set of principles that originated more than 2,000 years ago. At that time, astronomy was also based on those same principles. But during the 1500’s and 1600’s, several astronomers, including Nicolaus Copernicus of Poland and Tycho Brahe of Denmark, made discoveries about the heavenly bodies that conflicted with the principles of astrology.
[填空题]Astrology is the study of how the sun, the moon, planets, and stars______(与生命及世事联系)

[单项选择]Passage ThreeA. To study how students remember English vocabulary by short-term memory.
B. To study how students learn English vocabulary.
C. To study how to develop student’s ability in English.
D. To study how long information in short-term memory is kept.
[判断题]Wang intends to study how computer is used for language translation.
[单项选择]A. To study how the birds decide the order of the flock.
B. To study how the birds decide the route of the flock.
C. To study how the birds decide the time of flying of the block.
D. To study how the birds decide who takes charge of the flock.
[单项选择]Text 3
To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth’s axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintain fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australia maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the earth. Thus the stars were called fixed stars.
The motion of the sun along the ecliptic
A. the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky.
B. the patterns of stars on the sky would never change.
C. the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth.
D. the stars around the sky were not stationary.


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