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发布时间:2024-03-26 01:13:36

[单项选择]The author suggests that all of the following is true concerning the cloning process EXCEPT
A. The sheep was chosen as an ideal subject because of its genetic development, not for its precedence as a research subject.
B. The human embryo comes to rely upon its own genetic code at an earlier stage of development than the mice embryo.
C. The unfertilized sheep egg acquires a limitless supply of protein from the mother’ s ovary.
D. The earlier the foreign nucleus assumes genetic control of the embryo, the more successful it will likely be.
E. The foreign nucleus transplanted to an embryo may be consider "older" than the nucleus it replaced.

更多"The author suggests that all of the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The author of the passage suggests that all of the following may be consequences of applying a pathological taxonomy to a diseased person EXCEPT
A. Easier access to health care for the victim
B. Social discrimination against the victim
C. Influence on the victim’s decision to reproduce
D. Helping to cure the victim’s condition
E. Complication of the victim’s ability to obtain insurance
[单项选择]Armstrong suggests all the following preparations EXCEPT
A. looking at the mirror.
B. practising simulated interviews.
C. practising answering questions.
D. finding some of your strong points.
[填空题]The author suggests having our laptop insured in the event that it is stolen.

[填空题]All of the following are the author’ s impressions of today’ s college sudents except that they pay ______and respect to old people.

[单项选择]The passage suggests that all research has proven that which of the following is true about the phenomenon of synesthesia
A. The lack of synesthetic color differences tends to hinder synesthetics in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences assists nonsynesthetes.
B. The presence of real color differences tends to assist nonsynesthetes in the same tasks where the lack of synesthetic color differences assists synesthetes.
C. The presence of synesthetic color differences tends to assist synesthetics in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences hinders nonsynesthetes.
D. The lack of synesthetic color differences tends to hinder nonsynesthetes in the same tasks where the presence of real color differences assists synesthetes.
E. The presence of real color differences tends to assist synesthetes in the same tasks where the lack of synesthetic color differences hinders nonsynesthetes.
[单项选择]The author mentions all of the following as associated with traditional art EXCEPT
A. A utile capacity
B. The correspondence of form with task
C. High regard for aesthetics
D. Unlimited production
E. A prototypal form
[单项选择]The author cites all of the following as obstacles to the success of African American cinema EXCEPT
A. The pursuit of needless celebrity
B. Negative imagery
C. A restricted body of film products
D. Lack of budget
E. Assumptions by film studios
[单项选择]The author mentions all of the following as evidence that the revolutionary colonists were more intent upon expanding their roles in the old power order than in creating a new one EXCEPT
A. The system of commerce implemented after the revolution was relatively similar to the one that existed before it.
B. They established a chain of executive command which strongly resembled that which was in place before the revolution.
C. Their only attempt to change class structure was to outlaw the development of an aristocracy.
D. They maintained the same exclusive and undemocratic system of suffrage that existed prior to the war.
E. The colonists remained indifferent to the institution of slavery which a genuine revolution might have rectified.
[填空题]The author suggests if you haven’t any plan for your life career, you can take whatever road you like.

[单项选择]The author employs all of the following in the passage EXCEPT
A. An illustrative analogy
B. An admission of uncertainty
C. A comparison of processes
D. The coining of a new term
E. A counter-example
[填空题]The manager suggests that all the employees ____________ (争分夺秒以争取提前完成项目).

[单项选择]All of the following can be found in the author’s discussion of Meredith EXCEPT
A. an indication of Meredith’s customary effect on readers
B. an enumeration of the admirable qualities in his work
C. a selection of hypothetical comments at Meredith’ s expense
D. an analysis of the critical ramifications of Meredith’s effect on readers
E. a refutation of the claim that Meredith evokes no sympathy
[单项选择]The author suggests that human resources management should be taught as a required subject in this school,along with science courses.
A. 作者建议,这所学校开设人力资源管理课程或是开设理科课程都是必要的。
B. 作者建议,除了理科课程之外,这所学校应将人力资源作为必修课开设。
C. 作者建议,作为学校的一门课程,人力资源管理应该在其他理科课程之后开设。
D. 作者建议,把人力资源管理作为一门必修课开设,纳入理科课程中。


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