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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:49:39

[填空题]Today, our English teacher asked us to write a()(compose).

更多"Today, our English teacher asked us"的相关试题:

[填空题]Today, our English teacher asked us to write a ______ (compose).
[填空题]Today, our English teacher asked us to write a()(compose).
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us.
So we asked our friends ______ ______.

[单项选择]We like our English teacher because she often tells __________ funny stories in class.
A. us
B. our
C. we
D. ours
[单项选择]Our English teacher insisted that we spend more on some______reading.
A. worth
B. worthy
C. worthwhile
D. worthless
[单项选择]Our English teacher insisted that we spend more time on ______ reading.
A. worth
B. worthy
C. worthwhile
D. worthless
[单项选择]At the beginning of this term, our English teacher ______ a list of books for us to read.
A. turned out B. made out C. handed in D. passed on
[单项选择]Mrs. Read is our English teacher. She is from England. She is not young. She is 48. She can speak English very well. There are twenty girls and twenty-four boys in her class. Jim is from England, too. Bill is from Australia. The twins are from America. But the other students are Chinese. Mrs. Read likes her students very much. She works very hard. She often helps them to study English in her class. Site is a good teacher and she is the students’ good friend, too.
Mrs. Read is ______ .
A. 28
B. 38
C. 48
[单项选择]Mr. Black, our new English teacher, is strict _______ kind.
A. or
B. but
C. with
D. as well
[填空题]So we asked our friends to help us. So we asked our friends ______ ______.
[填空题]His English teacher helped him with his English. His English teacher helped him ______.
[填空题]His English teacher helped him with his English.
His English teacher helped him ______.

[简答题]Why should an English teacher learn some theories of language and language learning (Give some examples to illustrate your viewpoints)
[填空题]The English teacher makes Jack finish his homework in 1 hour.
Jack ______ to finish his homework in 1 hour by his English teacher.

[单项选择]Where is Tom’s English teacher from


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