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发布时间:2023-10-10 19:24:36


On cold days in Delhi, the poor light bonfires (篝火) of tyres, trees and rags whose fumes mix with the exhaust from the city’s 2 million vehicles to form a thick smog. On most days in Mexico City, a blanket of pollution cuts off views of the surrounding mountains. On one famous occasion it got so bad that birds fell dead out of the sky on to the Zocalo, the city’s main square. Throughout the developing world, smogs in many big cities are getting worse as more people use cars and more manufacturing firms are belching out (喷出) pollution. Congestion is on the rise. too: according to one estimate, a car in Bangkok now spends the equivalent of 40 days a year stuck in traffic. The air in Asia’s cities, like the water in its rivers, is particularly unhealthy, containing levels of dust and smoke several times higher than in the rich countries’ cities.
Environmentalists in the developed world also worry about air pollution in poorer countries. not just out o
A. describing several world famous cities in developing countries
B. illustrating the seriousness of environmental problems in developing countries
C. drawing a picture about the seriously polluted future world
D. comparing the pollution problems in developed and developing countries

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On cold days in Delhi, the poor light bonfires (篝火) of tyres, trees and rags whose fumes mix with the exhaust from the city’s 2 million vehicles to form a thick smog. On most days in Mexico City, a blanket of pollution cuts off views of the surrounding mountains. On one famous occasion it got so bad that birds fell dead out of the sky on to the Zocalo, the city’s main square. Throughout the developing world, smogs in many big cities are getting worse as more people use cars and more manufacturing firms are belching out (喷出) pollution. Congestion is on the rise. too: according to one estimate, a car in Bangkok now spends the equivalent of 40 days a year stuck in traffic. The air in Asia’s cities, like the water in its rivers, is particularly unhealthy, containing levels of dust and smoke several times higher than in the rich countries’ cities.
Environmentalists in the developed world also worry about air pollution in poorer countries. not just out o
A. they are very kind-hearted and care much about the people there
B. they are afraid that more people will immigrate into their countries
C. they know that governments there are not taking effective measures to deal with the problem
D. they fear that the pollution there may cause harm to their own countries

[单项选择]Bob and Linda are tired of the freezing cold days in Glenmont, so they are considering retiring to either Sunny Glen or Buena Vista. Bob points out that Sunny Glen has an average annual temperature 8 degrees Fahrenheit higher than that of Buena Vista. Linda insists, however, that Buena Vista would be the better choice.
Which of the following, if true, best accounts for Linda’s preference for Buena Vista ?()
A. Different people experience cold in different ways, so what seems cold to Linda may seem pleasantly cool to Bob.
B. Sunny Glen has a somewhat higher risk of hurricanes than does Glenmont.
C. Buena Vista has a range of cultural offerings, including an opera, a ballet, and three jazz clubs.
D. Living in a place that gets very hot, such as Sunny Glen, can have as many health risks as living in a place that gets very cold.
E. While Sunny Glen is warmer than Buena Vista in the summer, it also has more freezing cold days in the winter.
[单项选择]One cold winter day,a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left()
A. 一个寒冷的冬天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品。饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。
B. 一个寒冷的冬天,一个通过挨家挨户地卖东西来付去上学的路费的贫穷的小男孩发现他挣的钱都丢了,身上只剩一毛钱了。
C. 一个通过挨家挨户地卖东西来付去上学的路费的贫穷的小男孩发现他自己一整天只挣了一毛钱。
D. 一个寒冷的冬天,一个贫穷的小男孩正挨家挨户地推销商品——这是他赚取学费的方式,却发现他全身仅有一角钱。
[单项选择]The cold is bad enough, but winter’s shorter days make the season a downer, to say the least. But how real is seasonal affective disorder (known as SAD)
SAD is often a catch-all term to describe the winter dumps, but experts say it’s often misused and the condition is actually less common than people think. "There are a lot of myths. SAD is not a myth. It is a mental disorder that is incompletely understood and also something that is complicated by questions about the role of evolutionary biology," says Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, the president of the American Psychiatric Association.
That diagnosis is different from the lows that many feel during the winter months. In fact, research shows many people overestimate the impact of seasons on their moods in general.
Where is the line between SAD and the simple doldrums How much winter sadness is the product of a mood-based disorder, and how much is a natural outcome of being cooped up indoors SAD is considered a subtype of a mood
A. common condition among people
B. term referring to the winter dumps
C. term not being totally understood
D. term of evolutionary biology
[简答题]Helping the poor, the truly poor, is a much worthier goal than merely narrowing inequalities. If the rich get poorer thanks to high taxation, some people may feel pleased but few are better off. If the poor get richer, however, the whole country will benefit. Focusing resources and policy on poverty would be worthwhile simply on humanitarian grounds. But also, the disadvantages of growing up in extreme poverty pose a challenge to a belief in equality of opportunity. And helping the underclass rejoin society is in the interests of all.
The main task is for governments to provide a proper welfare safety net, to provide and protect public education in the poorest areas, to provide remedial training and schooling, and to provide adequate incentives to help the poor get back into ( or just get into) work through which they can support themselves. Yet today’s many rich individuals can also play a role.

[简答题]light industries
[单项选择]The artist was born poor,()poor he remained all his life.
A. and
B. but
C. or
D. so
[单项选择]A) 15 days. B) 17 days. C) 19 days. D) 21 days.
[单项选择]A. 13 days B. 30 days C. 33 days D. 23 days
[单项选择]I don’t think the poor ______ always poor. Working hard ______ very important.
A. is; is
B. are; are
C. are; is
D. is; are
[填空题]neither warm nor cold


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