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发布时间:2023-10-11 21:30:38


Japan’s old imperial army never went into the field without a group of "comfort women" for the troops. Many male office workers in modern Japan (and in Japanese branches abroad) seem to think they are still at war. Women workers, even those with university degrees, are expected to do all the humble tasks: greet the visitors, make the tea, tidy up the office afterwards and then leave the firm as soon as they get married and have a child. Come party time, they are often pressed into behaving like bar hostesses.
The fort of Japanese male chauvinism-the old guard of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party—has unintentionally done more than most to change all that. The sex scandal that marked the brief prime ministership of Mr. Sosuke Uno last summer outraged many women, and helped the, opposition to its success in the upper-house election in July. Mr. Uno is forgotten, but the resentment (怨恨) of women about their treatment at the hands of men lingers (逗留) on
A. old imperial Japan
B. war-time Japan
C. modern Japan
D. future Japan

更多"Japan’s old imperial army nev"的相关试题:


Japan’s old imperial army never went into the field without a group of "comfort women" for the troops. Many male office workers in modern Japan (and in Japanese branches abroad) seem to think they are still at war. Women workers, even those with university degrees, are expected to do all the humble tasks: greet the visitors, make the tea, tidy up the office afterwards and then leave the firm as soon as they get married and have a child. Come party time, they are often pressed into behaving like bar hostesses.
The fort of Japanese male chauvinism-the old guard of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party—has unintentionally done more than most to change all that. The sex scandal that marked the brief prime ministership of Mr. Sosuke Uno last summer outraged many women, and helped the, opposition to its success in the upper-house election in July. Mr. Uno is forgotten, but the resentment (怨恨) of women about their treatment at the hands of men lingers (逗留) on
A. very low
B. comparatively high
C. high enough
D. as high as that of Japanese men

[单项选择]They found the ( ) bridge when they went across the village.
A. old stone Chinese
B. Chinese old stone
C. old Chinese stone
D. Chinese stone old
[填空题]Many Chinese friends went to the party.
There were many Chinese friends ______.

[填空题]What was the ambition of an eleven-year-old boy
The ambition of him is to be ().
[单项选择]He was told he could join the army when he()old enough.
A. would be
B. should be
C. was
D. were

W: Did you move I went over to your old apartment on Mulberry Street, but it was empty.
M: I’m living in the countryside now. The air is cleaner, and I’m closer to school.

What did we learn about the man before he moved ()
A. He lived in the countryside.
B. He lived in a house on Mulberry Street.
C. He lived in an apartment closer to school.
D. He lived in an apartment on Mulberry Street.
[单项选择]Most people of the old generation complain that these young people are simply wasting their time of youth.
A. monkeying with
B. fading
C. fidgeting about
D. diddling
[单项选择]The police went out of their way to investigate the explosion case, but there were no indications that standard security arrangements were()
A. at hand   
B. in fault
C. in question
D. in effect
[单项选择]On April 4th an alert went out around the University of Texas at Austin. Police had received a report of an Asian male, apparently carrying two weapons, near the university’s main gym. Half an hour later an update came: the subject had been located. He was a member of the military training corps, and the guns were replicas.
Phew. But that is the kind of situation that has gun opponents worried about a new bill working its way through the Texas legislature. The measure would allow people to carry concealed weapons on campus, as long as they have the proper license. That is currently prohibited in about half of the states, including Texas, although Texas lets individual universities opt out of the prohibition if they have their hearts set on it. Measures to overturn blanket campus prohibitions have popped up in a number of states this year, including Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Tennessee.
This is, of course, contentious. Gun proponents argue that concealed weapons can make p
A. concealed weapons do make contribution to public places security
B. only policewomen can carry guns
C. congregants should be allowed to carry weapons
D. more armed citizens, less incidents
[单项选择]On November 19th, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much (47) _________ of President Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of courtesy. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very (48) _________everywhere. It is said that Lincoln (49) _______ his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked (50)________ on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a (51) _________ example of the rich oratory of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little (52) _________to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little (53) _________. Lincoln turned to a friend and remark


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