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发布时间:2024-03-29 22:19:20

[填空题]British workers are suffering "email stress" because they are swamped with messages and constantly monitoring their inboxes.
Staffers are left tired, (36) and unproductive as they (37) to cope with a constant deluge of emails, researchers from Glasgow and Paisley universities in Scotland have found.
More than a third said they thought they checked their inboxes every 15 minutes and 64 percent said they looked more than once an hour.
When researchers (38) monitors to their computers, workers were found to be viewing e-mails up to 40 times an hour.
About 33 percent said they felt stressed by the (39) " of e-mails and the need to reply quickly. A further 28 percent said they felt "driven" when they checked messages because of the pressure to (40)
Just 38 percent of workers were (41) enough to wait a day or longer before replying.
Researchers found that many workers felt " (42)

更多"British workers are suffering 'emai"的相关试题:

[填空题]British workers are suffering "email stress" because they are swamped with messages and constantly monitoring their inboxes.
Staffers are left tired, (36) and unproductive as they (37) to cope with a constant deluge of emails, researchers from Glasgow and Paisley universities in Scotland have found.
More than a third said they thought they checked their inboxes every 15 minutes and 64 percent said they looked more than once an hour.
When researchers (38) monitors to their computers, workers were found to be viewing e-mails up to 40 times an hour.
About 33 percent said they felt stressed by the (39) " of e-mails and the need to reply quickly. A further 28 percent said they felt "driven" when they checked messages because of the pressure to (40)
Just 38 percent of workers were (41) enough to wait a day or longer before replying.
Researchers found that many workers felt " (42)
[单项选择]The boss put great (stress) on the workers so that they could work harder.
A. anger
B. control
C. pressure
D. nerve
[单项选择]Quebec differs from other Canadian provinces because ______.
A. it is very rich in oil
B. it is ideal for wheat growing
C. it has a strong French culture
D. its tourist trade is very important to the economy


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