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发布时间:2023-11-01 20:27:51


It’s estimated that one-third of the countries of the world are very rich, and two thirds are very poor. People in the richer countries don’t understand the great differences between them and those in the poorer countries. A very simple example is that a dog or a cat in North America is better than a child in the poorer countries. A fisherman in South America may catch the fish which is made into pet food while the children in poor countries are not getting enough to eat for their bodies to grow properly. Although a lot of the world’s natural resources come from these poorer countries, it’s the richer countries that decide what kind of price they are ready to pay for these resource. And the prices the richer counties get from their exports however, are always rising. So they are getting richer and richer, and the poorer countries are getting poorer.

What percentage do the poor countries account for in the world()

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It’s estimated that one-third of the countries of the world are very rich, and two thirds are very poor. People in the richer countries don’t understand the great differences between them and those in the poorer countries. A very simple example is that a dog or a cat in North America is better than a child in the poorer countries. A fisherman in South America may catch the fish which is made into pet food while the children in poor countries are not getting enough to eat for their bodies to grow properly. Although a lot of the world’s natural resources come from these poorer countries, it’s the richer countries that decide what kind of price they are ready to pay for these resource. And the prices the richer counties get from their exports however, are always rising. So they are getting richer and richer, and the poorer countries are getting poorer.

What may the fish the fisherman catches be made into

[听力原文] 11-15
(11)It’s estimated that one-third of the countries of the world are very rich, and two thirds are very poor. People in the richer countries don’t understand the great differences between them and those in the poorer countries. A very simple example is that a dog or a cat in North America is better than a child in the poorer countries. (12)A fisherman in South America may catch the fish which is made into pet food while the children in poor countries are not getting enough to eat for their bodies to grow properly. (13)Although a lot of the world’s natural resources come from these poorer countries, (14)it’s the richer countries that decide what kind of price they are ready to pay for these resources. And (15)the prices the richer countries get from their exports, however, are always rising. So they are getting richer and richer, and the poorer countries are getting poorer.

What percentage do the poor countries

Yesterday was Amy’s 18th birthday. She held a party at home to celebrate it. She invited many of her friends home. They ate, drank and danced. They really had a wonderful time together. Before blowing out her birthday candles, Amy made a wish that everybody had good luck. With all the friends present for her birthday party, Amy felt she was the happiest girl in the world. She realized she was no longer a little girl but a grown-up. The first thing she was going to do after her birthday was to try to lead an independent life.

How old is Amy ()

M: What’s the matter, Bill
W: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What’s the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The offic

M: What’s the matter, Bill
M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What’ s the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The office.

W: What’s the matter, Bill
M: These letters are full of mistakes! Those typists at the office never do anything right.

What is the man really complaining about ()
A. The letters.
B. The typists.
C. The woman.
D. The offic

Women are on their way to holding more than half of all American jobs. The latest government report shows that their share of nonfarm jobs reached nearly 50% in September. Not only have more and more women entered the labor market over the years, but the recession has been harder on men. In October, the unemployment rate for men was almost 11% compared to 8% for women. Industries that traditionally use lots of men have suffered deep cuts. For example, manufacturing and building lost more jobs last month. But health care and temporary employment services have job growth. Both of those industries employ high percentages of women. Thirty years ago, women earned 62 cents for every dollar that men earned. Now, for those who usually work full time, women earn about 80% of what men earn. And women hold 51% of good-paying management and professional jobs. Yet a study released Thursday said men still hold about nine out of every ten top positions at the 400
A. They hold very high positions in a company.
B. They pay more attention to independence.
C. They all want to have power of control.
D. They take more responsibilities at home.


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