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发布时间:2024-01-08 21:54:31

[单项选择]I remember()to the zoo by my father when I was a child.
A. to be taken
B. had been taken
C. being taken
D. to be taking

更多"I remember()to the zoo by my father"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I remember ______ to the zoo by my father when I was a child.
A. to be taken
B. had been taken
C. being taken
D. to be taking
[单项选择]I remember my father ______ me to the beach when I was a very small child. We forgot ______a towel and I felt very cold.
A. taking; to take
B. to take; taking
C. taking; taking
D. to take; to take
[填空题]I can remember times when, like children, my brothers and I 88.______
would all point at one another when asking who was to blame 89.______
for wrong deeds. Unfortunately, it usually resulted in all three of 90.______
us getting beatings. Once, however, I didn’t manage to save myself 91.______
from a beating by telling my mother I had only one good hairbrush, 92.______
as she’d broken all other ones in the beatings. She thought she had 93.______
better not to use her last hairbrush and, instead, gave me a warning. 94.______
The excuses of children are not always successfully, but 95.______
now and then there is one that it will cause a parent to forgive 96.______
them. Maybe this is because children keep thinking them up. 97.______

[简答题]I remember my father telling me that__________(他永远不会忘记等待着炸弹掉下来的那个瞬间).
[单项选择]When my grandpa became ill, my father ______ the doctor at once.
A. sent for
B. asked for
C. looked for

I was just a boy when my father brought me to Harlem for the first time, almost 50 years ago. We stayed at the Hotel Theresa, a grand brick structure at 125th Street and Seventh Avenue. Once, in the hotel restaurant, my father pointed out Joe Louis. He even got Mr Brown, the hotel manager, to introduce me to him, a bit paunchy but still the champ as far as I was concerned.
Much has changed since then. Business and real estate are booming. Some say a new renaissance is under way. Others decry what they see as outside forces running roughshod over the old Harlem.
New York meant Harlem to me, and as a young man I visited it whenever I could. But many of my old haunts are gone. The Theresa shut down in 1966. National chains that once ignored Harlem now anticipate yuppie money and want pieces of this prime Manhattan real estate. So here I am on a hot August afternoon, sitting in a Starbucks that two years ago opened a block away from the Theresa, snatching at memories
A. art and culture.
B. immigrant population.
C. political enthusiasm.
D. distinctive architecture.

[填空题] When my father was getting ready for work, our 【26】 was ruled by knocks and words. One 【27】 on the table meant "I am ready for my breakfast". Two knocks on the table 【28】 "I am ready for my tea". 【29】 breakfast he said, "Boots." The paper was 【30】 for him over the back of an armchair. Today’’s paper was put on the chair for his 【31】 , and his boots were brought to him, freshly brushed. He read 【32】 ,at the same time putting on his boots and lacing them 【33】 . After finishing one boot, he said, "Bus." At that 【34】 one of the girls went outside to the garden gate 【35】 waited there. Her job was to stop the bus 【36】 it came. It came early sometimes, and it had to 【37】 my father. "Overcoat, hat. "One of my sisters had already 【38】 his overcoat. Now she held it 【39】 for him and guided his arms into it. Then she 【40】 his jacket down under the coat. Another girl 【41】 his hat, nicely brushed. "Handkerchief, pipe. "They were brought and put, with his tobacco into his pockets. He 【42
A. A.How


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