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发布时间:2024-04-18 18:42:10

[单项选择]Why are Terry and Susan late according to the man( ).
A. Perhaps because of the heavy roads.
B. Perhaps because of the subway.
C. Maybe they haven’t got the invitation.

更多"Why are Terry and Susan late accord"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Why are Terry and Susan late according to the man( ).
A. Perhaps because of the heavy roads.
B. Perhaps because of the subway.
C. Maybe they haven’t got the invitation
[单项选择]Why are Terry and Susan late according to the manA. Perhaps because of the heavy roads.B. Perhaps because of the subway.C. Maybe they haven’t got the invitation.
[单项选择]Why was the man late
A. He got lost.
B. He ran out of gas.
C. He had an accident.
D. His car broke down.
[单项选择]Why was the man late for the meeting
A. The meeting time was changed.
B. He missed the train.
C. He has got a bad cold.
[单项选择]Why was the man so late()
A. Something is wrong with the bus.
B. He took somebody to hospital.
C. Something prevented him taking the bus.
D. He came on foot instead of taking the bus.

Susan: Why don’t you go to bed, Ted ().
Ted: I have to finish this assignment which has to be handed in tomorrow morning.

A. You look so worried
B. You look so gloomy
C. You look so tired
D. You look so anxious
[单项选择]What is Susan’s job
What does the man advise Susan to do
A. To teach friends the facts about AIDS.
B. To get away from those bad friends.
C. To stay alert for most of the time.
D. To ask her friends to come to the hospital to have a visit.
Why is Wilson late
[单项选择]Why was he late
A. Laziness.
B. Missed the bus.
C. Car trouble.
D. Heavy traffic.
[单项选择]Why was the woman late
A. She forgot the time.
B. She forgot the place.
C. She slipped on the ground and hurt herself.
D. She was talking with the man’s secretary and forgot the time.
[单项选择]Why is the woman late
A. She has been busy with her work.
B. She has forgotten about the appointment.
C. She could not find her way.


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