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发布时间:2023-10-13 02:07:01

[单项选择]I have never heard so wonderful piece of music before.( )
A. never
B. heard
C. piece
D. before

更多"I have never heard so wonderful pie"的相关试题:

[简答题]原文:Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land.

Directions: You have heard some folk music in a program on the radio, but you do not know when the program is broadcasted at different times of the day and on other frequencies as well. Write to the radio station to find out. Be sure to make clear:
1) what you are interested in;
2) what you want to know;
3) how to contact you.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Wang Ling" instead. (10 points)

[填空题]Hardly ever have I heard music as ______ (impress) as this.
[单项选择]Jimmy: Hey, I heard that you have won the champion in the game. Congratulations! Paul: __________. It wasn’t easy, you know.
A. Thanks
B. Never mention it
C. Please don’t
D. Yes, I am always the best.
[填空题]The piece of music was composed by a famous (music) ( ).

M: Do you have to play that music so loud I’ve got a test tomorrow.
W: Sorry,I didn’t realize you were studying.
Q: What will the woman probably do ()

A. Turn down the volume.
B. Help the man study for a test.
C. Play a different kind of music.
D. Speak a little bit louder.

W: Do you have to play the music so loud I’ve got to make a plan for tomorrow!
M: Sorry, I didn’t realize you were working.

What will the man probably do ()
A. Turn down the volume.
B. Help the woman work.
C. Play a different kind of music.
D. Speak in a low voice.
[填空题]I have never heard someone speaking Arabic.
I have never heard______ ______.

[填空题]You have produced so many famous animation characters..__________________(那么你认为一部成功的动画片应该具备哪些要素呢)
[填空题]This piece of music was composed by a very famous blind (music) _______.
Describe a Song/Piece of Music

Describe your favorite song.
You should say:
What song it is.
Where and when you heard the song.
How you felt when listening to it.
[填空题]The conference wouldn’t have been so successful if we()(not make) adequate preparation.
[简答题]People often wonder why they have spend so much money at the supermarket, and often on things they didn’t intend to buy in the first place. A recent survey indicates that 75% of all grocery shoppers make at least one impulse buying. They may be attracted by eye-catching display, or colorful package. For those shoppers, there is a simple way of avoiding impulse buying, and saving money on groceries. That is, they should make a shopping list beforehand, and stick to it.


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