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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:49:12

[填空题]Many people hope that the police are well equipped to______ the increasing number of criminals who are prepared to carry guns.

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[填空题]Many people hope that the police are well equipped to______ the increasing number of criminals who are prepared to carry guns.
[简答题]Many hope to be able to continue selling to the American market even if the U.S. government restricts imports further, or if major price changes occur due to currency fluctuations. (Passage Three )

Police: (56)
Tom: (57)
Police: Well, you can take No. 323 bus to get there.
Tom: (58)
Police: Get off the bus at Weigongcun xikou (59)
Tom: (60)
Police: About half an hour.
Tom= Thank you very much.
Police: You cannot miss it.

[填空题]Police: (56)
Tom: (57)
Police: Well, you can take No. 323 bus to get there.
Tom: (58)
Police: Get off the bus at Weigongcun xikou (59)
Tom: (60)
Police: About half an hour.
Tom= Thank you very much.
Police: You cannot miss it.


For many well-educated young eastern Germans like Susanne Kophal, who was born, raised and educated in Rostock, a lovely city on the Baltic Sea, there is a familiar story about the moment in their post-graduation lives that they decided to leave. "I’ll always have the wish to return to my hometown," said Ms. Kophal, 26, who graduated from the University of Rostock last year with a political science degree. "The people are friendly. In the summer you can take off for lunch, go swimming in the ocean and be back at work within an hour. But there are precious few professional jobs here and little hope of building a career. "And so, Ms. Kophal and every one of her college friends: a doctor, a biologist and a physicist among them, left Rostock for brighter prospects elsewhere in Germany or for a career abroad, probably for good. "I see myself as an economic refugee," Ms. Kophal said in an interview at her office in Berlin, where she found a position
A. 9 percent
B. 12 percent
C. 16 percent
D. 18 percent

[填空题]Religions of the East
A few years ago many well-known people came to the East to study the Asian reli-
gions. They were curious about how the Asian people put peace, joy, happiness, even
(1) ______ into their lives in terms of religious. (1) ______
It is said that Hinduism is one of the (2) ______ Asian religions. Hinduism teaches (2) ______
that men are not really happy with pleasure, success, power or fiches; what they really
want is to be alive and to be (3) ______ of life as deeply as possible. Man has to over- (3) ______
come any (4) ______ in his life. (4) ______
Hinduism recognizes four ways to achieve this goal:
--by (5)______ , attained by questioning and thinking. (5) ______
--through love and adoration.
--through forgetting oneself.
--through (6) ______ that tame both on


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