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发布时间:2024-05-24 05:16:47

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

At 5:30 in the morning we are deep in a dark forest on an island in the midddle of the Panama Canal. We’ve been out walking for only 15 minutes, but I’m already soaked in sweat.
As a colleague and I plod along, my head lamp picks out the occasional trail marker, but mainly the light seems to operate as a major local landmark for insects. Several mosquitoes have already discovered the delights of the soft parts of my ears, while others are slowly working their way between my seeks and legs to be discovered later after much scratching. Suddenly a deranged roaring and barking starts 25m above my head and builds chaotically and intensity before slowly quieting after several minutes. Similar mad choruses respond from other areas of the forest. Hearing the dawn cacophony of howler monkeys always give me a deep sense of pleasure -- the joy of being back in the tropics. It may be a hot, humid place where insects, pla
A. more buildings erected in the forests
B. fig trees planted in all forests
C. scientific efforts diverted to bomb making
D. the preservation of as many diverse species as possible

更多"{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}} At 5:30 in the "的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

At 5:30 in the morning we are deep in a dark forest on an island in the midddle of the Panama Canal. We’ve been out walking for only 15 minutes, but I’m already soaked in sweat.
As a colleague and I plod along, my head lamp picks out the occasional trail marker, but mainly the light seems to operate as a major local landmark for insects. Several mosquitoes have already discovered the delights of the soft parts of my ears, while others are slowly working their way between my seeks and legs to be discovered later after much scratching. Suddenly a deranged roaring and barking starts 25m above my head and builds chaotically and intensity before slowly quieting after several minutes. Similar mad choruses respond from other areas of the forest. Hearing the dawn cacophony of howler monkeys always give me a deep sense of pleasure -- the joy of being back in the tropics. It may be a hot, humid place where insects, pla
A. research into tropical-forest biology on Barro Colorado Island
B. how the whole ecosystems can depend on the survival of a single species
C. the life cycle of the fig wasp
D. the importance of forests to the human race
{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

We sometimes think humans are uniquely vulnerable to anxiety, but stress seems to affect the immune defenses of lower animals too. In one experiment, for example, behavioral immunologist Mark Laudenslager, at the University of Denver, gave mild electric shocks to 24 rats. Half the animals could switch off the current by turning a wheel in their enclosure, while the other half could not. The rats in the two groups were paired so that each time one rat turned the wheel it protected both itself and its helpless partner from the shock. Laudenslager found that the immune response was depressed below normal in the helpless rats but not in those that could turn off the electricity. What he has demonstrated, he believes, is that lack of control over an event, not the experience itself, is what weakens the immune system.
Other researchers agree. Jay Weiss, a psychologist at Duke University School of Medicine, ha
A. was strengthened
B. was not affected
C. was altered
D. was weakened
[单项选择]If we () early tomorrow morning, we will reach the coast before dark.
A. take off
B. set off
C. set up
D. take up
[单项选择]Our statistics show that we consume all that we are capable of producing( ).
A. waste
B. buy
C. use
D. sell
[单项选择]Much as we may pride ourselves on our taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want because of advertising everywhere.
A. 尽管我们可以自夸自己的品位,但广告无处不在,我们已经无法独立自主地作出自己的选择了。
B. 正如我们可以自夸自己的品位一样,我们想不再自由地选择是因为无处不在的广告。
C. 当我们可以自夸自己的品位的时候,无处不在的广告已使我们不再自由地选择了。
D. 我们可以自夸自己的品味,但到处都是广告,我们不再自由地作出自己的选择了。

When we use automatic teller machines (ATM), we are ______.
The Evolutionary Future of Biodiversity

Now we are altering the planet more rapidly and profoundly than ever, and much of the diversity produced by half a billion years of evolution could be lost in the next few centuries. We are triggering a mass extinction that could be as severe as the one that ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
Given enough time, biodiversity will recover. Extinctions create new evolutionary opportunities for the survivors: the blossoming of mammals after the dinosaurs died out ultimately led to our evolution, after all. But the aftermath of this Anthropocene ( 地质史上的新时期,称为“人类世”) extinction will not be like any other. Humans have become the main driving force in evolution--and life will never be the same again.
The list of threats we pose to biodiversity is long. We are killing many creatures directly, destroying habitats, introducing exotic predators and diseases, and pumping out pollution. Already, a tenth o
A. coral reefs are precious natural resources
B. coral reefs are closely related to the ocean
C. the destruction of ecosystems is a fatal blow to human beings
D. the destruction of ecosystems will lead to huge economic loss


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