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发布时间:2023-10-19 09:42:37

[单项选择]Passage Three
A. The child seems sad.
B. His or her sadness lasts for a rather long period of time.
C. The child occasionally feels blue or down.
D. He or she feels life has its ups and downs.

更多"Passage ThreeA. The child seems sad"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage OneA. His vision and his travel all over the world. B. His expertise and business marketing skills.
C. The money we pay for the "information highway".D. His confidence in software products.
[单项选择]Passage TwoA. He made up his mind to work for the disable.B. He decided to work in an auto company.
C. He unfortunately had a car accident. D. He invented a new type of vehicle.
[单项选择]Passage Two
A. His friend gave him the wrong key.
B. He didn’t know where the back door was.
C. He couldn’t find the key to his mailbox.
D. It was too dark to put the key in the lock.
[单项选择]He's like a()child; he likes to get his own way
A. hurt
B. spoiled
C. damaged
D. harmed
[单项选择]Tom’s parents died when he was a child, so he was ______ by his relatives.
A. rose B. brought up C. raised up D. fed up
[单项选择]The more (frequent) the child expresses his (interest) in (an) activity, the stranger (it) will become.( )
A. frequent
B. interest
C. an
D. it

A child may lean against a doorpost with his or her arms folded. To the onlooker, it may look like a benign posture—however, there may be a victimized child who understands that this is the bully’s "shorthand" code of conveying the message: "Hand me your lunch as you walk by me, or else."
Bullying may be expressed in many forms. Boys are generally targeted more than girls. Boys tend to use physical aggression when they bully .by hitting, kicking, and fighting. Girls, on the other hand, more often use exclusionary techniques to bully—a form of aggression often referred to as relational aggression. Girls often start rumors, form cliques to keep certain people out, and ignore other children in attempts to show dominance over another child.
Many children who are victimized fit into one of two types: the passive victim, and the provocative victim. While people often feel bad about passive victims, provocative victims often e
A. to introduce the topic of school bullying
B. to present a clear definition for school bullying
C. to criticize those students who bully others
D. to show how prevalent school bullying is


What does the birthday child do when he blows out the candles The birthday child secretly ______.
[单项选择]If your child only picks at his food, he can be trained to be a good eater.
That will happen only when you’ve changed some of your own habits. Your child only accidentally discovered that being a bad eater meant getting lots of rewards from you. But you, as a parent, can easily undo your child’s bad eating habits.
I recall the case of little Sally Sanders, aged three-and-a-half, who was angrily described by her mother as being, "the worst eater I’ve ever seen in my life! I can’t get her to eat anything. I’m afraid she’s going to grow up sick and weak, that’s how little she eats."
"What do you do when she won’t eat her food" I asked.
Her voice showing a very high state of pique, Mrs. Sanders continued resentfully, "Every time we have a meal, I wind up having a big fight with Sally. I scream and shout a lot at her. She makes me so mad when she won’t eat her food. I warn her she needs a good, well-balanced meal to grow up healthy. She’s just a stubborn child who won’t
A. "anger".
B. "resentment".
C. "excitement".
D. "pleasure".
[单项选择]It is considered unwise to give a child()he or she wants.
A. whichever
B. whatever
C. however
D. whenever


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