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发布时间:2024-03-29 07:25:45

[单项选择]A. The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.
B. The city was poor because there wasn’t much industry.
C. The woman’s exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.
D. He might move to another city very soon.

更多"A. The air pollution is caused by t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A) The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.
B) The city was poor because there wasn’t much industry then.
C) The woman’s exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.
D) He might move to another city very soon.
[填空题]The pollution caused by oil spills can have long-lasting effects on the animals or birds once it gets into the food web.
[单项选择]Air pollution is caused by many things. Great clouds of smoke come from factories. Cars send smoke and fumes into the air. Burning waste fills the air with bits of dirt. Even burning leaves add smoke to the air. Sometimes, planes cannot find their landing spots through smoke. Smoke of all kinds is bad to breathe and can do great harm to the body.
Still, we cannot live without air. We must find a way to clean the air we have.
In time, we may have factories that are run by atomic energy. Our cars may run on smoke-free electric power. Scientists are also working on new ways to help the oil burned by cars from making fumes. Waste may be burned in the sand on ocean floors.
These changes might keep our air clean in the years to come. But until then, many scientists are looking for ways to make air cleaner now.
On the whole, this passage is about ______.
A. dirty air
B. electric power
C. atomic energy
D. burning waste
[填空题]may give off more radiative pollution into the air than a nuclear plant
[填空题]A in the development of air transportation
B the earliest passenger flights were successfully operated
C to make travel easy and pleasant for the passengers
D to provide different services
E the shortage of qualified pilots
F traveling by air was very cheap
Air transport companies use different plans______
[单项选择] Scientists claim that air pollution causes a decline in the world’s average air temperature. In order to prove that theory, ecologists have turned to historical data in relation to especially huge volcanic eruptions. They suspect that volcanoes effect weather changes that are similar to air pollution. One source of information is the effect of the eruption of Tambora, a volcano in Sumbawa, the Dutch East Indies (the former name of the Republic of Indonesia), in April 1815. The largest recorded volcanic emption, Tambora threw 150 million tom of fine ash into the stratosphere. The ash from a volcano spreads worldwide in a few days and remains in the air for years. Its effect is to turn incoming solar radiation into space and thus cool the earth. For example, records of weather in England show that between April and November 1815, the average temperature had fallen 4.5°F. During the next twenty-four months, England suffered one of the coldest periods of its history. Farmers’ records from April 1815 to December 1818 indicate frost throughout the spring and summer and sharp decreases in crop and livestock markets. Since there was a time lag of several years between cause and effect, by the time the world agricultural commodity community had deteriorated, no one realized the cause. Ecologists today warn that we face a twofold menace. The ever-present possibility of volcanic eruptions, such as that of Mt. St. Helens in Washington, added to man’s pollution of the atmosphere with oil, gas, coal, and other polluting substances, may bring ms increasingly colder weather. According to the passage, the effects of Tempura’s eruption were ()
A. of several days’ duration worldwide
B. felt mainly in the Dutch East Indies
C. evident in the decreased world temperature
D. immediately evident to the world’s scientists
[单项选择]Neighboring landholders: Air pollution from the giant aluminum refinery that has been built next to our land is killing our plants. Company spokesperson: The refinery is not to blame, since our study shows that the damage is due to insects and fungi. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion drawn by the company spokesperson
A. The study did not measure the quantity of pollutants emitted into the surrounding air by the aluminum refinery
B. The neighboring landholders have made no change in the way they take care of their plants
C. Air pollution from the refinery has changed the chemical balance in the plants" environment, allowing the harmful insects and fungi to thrive
D. Pollutants that are invisible and odorless are emitted into the surrounding air by the refinery
E. The various species of insects and fungi mentioned in the study have been occasionally found in the locality during the past hundred years


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