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发布时间:2023-11-23 06:45:52

Thanksgiving Day

The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving cel
A. 100 years old
B. 200 years old
C. 300 years old
D. 400 years old

更多"{{B}}第二篇{{/B}} Thanksgiv"的相关试题:

Thanksgiving Day

The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving cel
A. 100 years old
B. 200 years old
C. 300 years old
D. 400 years old

Thanksgiving Day
The American Thanksgiving Day celebration goes back to 1621. In that year, a special dinner was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The people who had settled there had left England because they were forbidden to keep their religious belief. They came to the new land and faced difficulties in sailing across the ocean. The ship which carried them was called "the Mayflower". The North Atlantic was hard to travel. There were bad storms and huge waves. With the help of the Indians, they learned to live in the new land. These Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for. They could enjoy religious freedom. They learned how to grow their crops in accordance with the climate and soil. Now when they selected the fourth Thursday of November for their Thanksgiving celebration, they invited their neighbors, the Indians, to join them in dinner. They also wanted to pray God for the new life. They recalled the group of 102 men, women and
A. 100 years old
B. 200 years old
C. 300 years old
D. 400 years old

[单项选择]When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated
A. On the fourth of November.
B. On the twenty-fifth of November.
C. On the first Tuesday of November.
D. On the fourth Thursday of November.
[简答题] Buy Nothing Day The day after Thanksgiving, all the world (at least in the US) goes shopping. In America this is the biggest shopping day in the entire year, known as Black Friday, which sounds dire, but evidently derives from the fact that storekeepers lose money all year and this is the first day in which they finally get into the black which means to make money. Some stores also call it Green Friday. It’’s the biggest day of the year for retailers, when shopkeeper’’s can measure what their take is going to be this year, and the holiday spirit flows as fast as the cash registers can ring it up. Gifts, decorations, candy and magazines disappear quickly, and woe to the retailer who doesn’’t have as much in stock as the consumers want. "Buy it now" is the phrase of the day-and people have been doing just that for years, egged on by the industry that begins advertising and decorating earlier and more elaborately each year. This is about waste,


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