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发布时间:2024-01-04 18:46:34

[单项选择]Passage Three
A. It’s a traditional European festival.
B. It falls on the day before Easter.
C. The traditional celebration is decorating eggs.
D. It’s in memory of Jesus’ crucifixion.

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[单项选择]Passage Three
The traditional appeal of the income tax has come from its wide acceptance as a lair tax. closely related to an individual’s ability to pay. For many gears the income tax provided large federal income without imposing heavy burdens on the great majority of people. By the mid-20th century, however, serious criticisms of tax loopholes were heard concerted attempts at reform resulted only in a more complex and eroded tax base. The situation worsened in the 1970s, as rising inflation pushed people into higher tax brackets although their incomes were barely keeping pace with rising prices. This pressure further eroded public confidence in the fairness of the income tax; at the same time it created strong incentives to utilize tax shelters and other loopholes, as well as to conceal off-the-record income. Built-in inflation adjustments w
A. every individual enjoys public welfare
B. every citizen of a country has the duty to pay taxes
C. it is within their capability to pay it
D. it is closely related to the individual’s benefits
[单项选择]According to the passage, European conquerors had which of the following advantages in North America
A. They possessed a larger population to replace casualties in their conquest of North America than they did in the South.
B. They had already gained experience in the Southern conquest that was not formerly available.
C. They had access to weaponry superior to that which was employed in the Southern conquest.
D. They were confronted by an opponent experienced in empire-building in North America.
E. They had better martial organization in North America than they had in South America.
[单项选择] Passage Two
Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letter, words, and ideas. Tourists, the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally; spelling, however, cannot.
Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of flirting or indicating that the party is only joking. A nod signifies approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.
Other forms of nonlinguistic
A. Everybody uses only one form of communication.
B. Nonlinguistic language is very useful to foreigners.
C. When a language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication.
D. Although other forms of communication exist, oral speech is .the fastest.
[填空题]Questions 9-13
·You will hear one passage about science and daily life. Before you listen, read the list of statements, five of which are summaries of how science has changed man’s life. Then listen carefidly and match the statements (A-F) in the correct order (9-13). There is one extra statement that you don’t need to use. You will hear the passage twice.
  • A. Scientific discoveries are companied by the problem of air
  • B. Scientific discoveries have changed man’s moral atmosphere
    and caused ethical issues.
  • C. Scientific discoveries make people use available resources
    more efficiently.
  • D. Medical improvement has made people have a longer life
  • E. People can communicate with each other more easily.
  • F. Distance between two places is shorted with the advancement
    of transportation.

[单项选择]In November the European Parliament’s culture and education committee is due to move forward on its proposed "audiovisual media services" directive, before sending it to the full parliament in December. The new rules update and relax the "Television Without Frontiers" directive of 1989, which opened Europe’s national markets. But critics complain that they also seek to extend fusty regulations from the era of broadcast television to today’s very different technologies. Rules on advertising, the protection of children and so on could potentially also apply to all kinds of video streams, including video blogs, online games and mobile-video services.
This could have a chilling effect on innovation and risks stifling emerging technologies with rules designed for another age, says Chris Marsden of RAND Europe, a think-tank that has analysed the potential impact of the proposed rules for Ofcom, Britain’s media and telecoms regulator. "Regulators have to be thoughtful. They cannot predi
A. Because they are chained by regulations while the new rivals are free from them
B. Because it is hard to balance competition and protection.
C. Because the new broadcasters are more adapted to the regulations.
D. Because the rules come into force in a slow and long process.


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