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发布时间:2024-05-26 19:56:10


M: Are you tired of driving
W: No, I’m fine.
M: Where is my briefcase
W: Isn’t it on the back seat
M: No, I don’t see it. All my important papers are in it.
W: You may have left it at the hotel. Should we turn around and go back
M: Well, I guess we ought to go back, If you don’t mind.
W: I’ll turn off at the next road.

What are there in the briefcase()
A. Some jewelry.
B. Important papers.
C. Money.

更多"M: Are you tired of driving W: No"的相关试题:


M: Are you tired of driving
W: No, I’m fine.
M: Where is my briefcase
W: Isn’t it on the back seat
M: No, I don’t see it. All my important papers are in it.
W: You may have left it at the hotel. Should we turn around and go back
M: Well, I guess we ought to go back, If you don’t mind.
W: I’ll turn off at the next road.

Why will they go back to the hotel()
A. To look for his wallet.
B. To look for his important letter.
C. To look for his briefcase.
[填空题]Driving a car when you are tired can be (danger)()

M: Hello. Nancy. This is Bob, How are you
W: Fine. thank you. A bit too busy though. You know, I’m trying to put everything in order in my new list.
M: Oh. I see. Well. I was wondering if you would like to go to a concert to- morrow night. I think it will be good. And if I remember correctly, you did say you liked country music.
W: Yes. That’s right; I do. It’s nice of you to ask. Bob. But I don’t think I can. Mother has already asked me to see a friend and then we’ll go to the theater together. In fact she’s getting the tickets this evening.
M: Oh. well, never mind. What about next weekend This concert is still on then, I think, if you are free next Saturday.
W: Oh. I’d like to very much. But what time exactly
M: It starts at 7:30. I think.
W: Oh. good. That’ll be fine. The tennis match will be over by five o’clock, I’m sure.
M: Good. I’U call you aga
A. To ask if she’s got the tickets.
B. To invite her out for an evening.
C. To offer his help with his new flat.


M: Driving at night always makes me tired. Let’s stop for dinner.
W: Fine. And let’s find a motel, so that we can get an early start tomorrow.

Where are the speakers now()
A. At a restaurant.
B. At a bus stop.
C. In their car.
D. In a motel.

W: May I help you, Sir
M: Yes, could you show me some shirts Size 15, please.
W: All right, Sir. How about this one, it’s new style.
M: Oh, that must be file one I saw advertised in file paper.
W: Yes, that’s right.
M: Would you tell me the price
W: 10 dollars for one, and 17 dollars for 2.
M: All right, I’ll take 2.
W: Anything else, Sir
M: I may need some ties to match the shirts, but my birthday is next week and I may get some from my children.

How much does the man pay for the shirts he bought ( )
A. $ 70.
B. $ 20.
C. $10.
D. $17.

M: What time are you leaving tomorrow
W: You mean to go to the bank
M: Yes, I’d like to go with you if I may.
W: I’d be glad to take you I plan to leave here about nine-thirty.

What does the man want to do()
A. To visit the woman’s house.
B. To ask for a lift.
C. To go out for a holiday.

M: What time are you leaving tomorrow
W: You mean to go to the bank
M: Yes, I’d like to go with you if I may.
W: I’d be glad to take you, I plan to leave here about nine-thirty.

What does the man want to do ( )
A. To visit the woman’s house.
B. To ask for a lift.
C. To go out for a holiday.

W: What size do you wear M: Forty. W: Oh, you’re lucky. I have the best shoes in the store in forty. Here they are. Why don’t you try them on. M: OK, I’ll have a try.

What is the most probable relationship of the two people ( )
A. Teacher and student.
B. Boss and employee.
C. Salesperson and customer.
D. Doctor and patient.

M: Good morning! Can I help you, Madam
W: Good morning! I’m looking for a coat.
M: What color would you like
W: Could you show me some I’d like a middle-sized red coat.
M: Sorry. We haven’t anything of your size.
W: Do you have a smaller size
M: I’m sorry. The small size coats have just been sold out. How about the blue one It looks nice and perhaps fits you.
W: Well, may I try it on
M: Yes, please.
W: It seems nice on me. How much is it
M: 168 yuan.
W: OK. Here is 170 yuan, please.
M: Your change, please. Thank you.
W: You may keep the change. Good-bye.
M: Thank you ! Good-bye !

What color did she want ( )
A. Blue.
B. Green.
C. Red.


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