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发布时间:2023-12-17 22:11:27


What suggestion did the doctor make for those who are about to set off in their travel

更多"What suggestion did the doctor make"的相关试题:

[填空题]What comment did the author make about the highly successful people traveling with him

[填空题]What consequence did the giant tsunami make in Banda Aceh

[填空题]Task One - What mistake did they make
· For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the mistake that each person says they made, listed A-H.
· For each extract, choose the mistake that the person made.
· Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.
A forgot to include some costs.
B didn’t calculate the cash flow.
C miscalculated a time schedule.
D appointed the wrong person.
E gave out-of-date information.
F didn’t check someone else’s work adequately.
G complained through inappropriate channels.
H didn’t allow for a rise in the inflation rate.............................
Passage 1
What are those of us who have chosen careers in science and engineering able to do about our current problems
First, we can help destroy the false impression that science and engineering have caused the current world trouble. On the contrary, science and engineering have made vast contributions to better living for more people.
Second, we can identify the many areas in which science and technology, more considerably used, can be of great service in the future than in the past to improve the quality of life. While we can make many speeches, and pass many laws, the quality of our environment will be improved only through better knowledge and better application of that knowledge.
Third, we can recognize that much of the dissatisfaction we suffer today results from our very successes of former years. We have been so grea
A. call on the public to action
B. pass related law
C. eliminate the destructive effect of science and technology
D. use better knowledge of science and technology


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