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发布时间:2023-11-15 03:22:03

  • A. Changing views on what is good business
  • B. The promotion of free business environment
  • C. Factors managers should consider in making decisions
  • D. Relations between laws and ethics
  • E. Ethics, a force in directing one’s action
  • F. Harmful business activities totally prohibited
  • G. The scope of business ethics

    Ethics is a collection of moral principles and rules of Ethics guides behaviour based on beliefs about what is right and wrong. The source of these beliefs may be tradition, religion, or reasoned judgements about what is best for the individual and society as a whole. Business ethics is the group of rules of conduct applied specifically to business activities.

Ethics is not the same as law. Many ethical beliefs are formally reinforced by law, but many are not. Until recently, it was legal to fire almost any employee, regardless of the le

更多"A. Changing views on what is good b"的相关试题:

  • A. Changing views on what is good business
  • B. The promotion of free business environment
  • C. Factors managers should consider in making decisions
  • D. Relations between laws and ethics
  • E. Ethics, a force in directing one’s action
  • F. Harmful business activities totally prohibited
  • G. The scope of business ethics

    Ethics is a collection of moral principles and rules of Ethics guides behaviour based on beliefs about what is right and wrong. The source of these beliefs may be tradition, religion, or reasoned judgements about what is best for the individual and society as a whole. Business ethics is the group of rules of conduct applied specifically to business activities.

In practice, ethics is expressed and felt as a combination of pressures that direct one to take or not to take certain actions. Decisions must be acceptable to many different eleme
[单项选择]People who own dogs often remark on what good company they are and what fun they have together.()
A. 拥有狗的那些人经常评论说狗是多么好的朋友,和它们一起有很多乐趣。
B. 养狗的那些人经常说他们的狗是多么好的伙伴,同它们玩多么有趣。
C. 有狗的人常谈论他们的狗是他们的好伙伴,和狗在一起他们很开心。
D. 养狗的人常说狗是他们的好朋友,同它们玩很有趣。
[单项选择] What Makes a Good Secretary Good secretaries should: Be intelligent and clear-thinking. There is a myth that any idiot can be a secretary, but anyone who has ever had to act as one will confirm that to do the job properly demands intelligence. For one thing, there are so many different tasks to keep in mind; for another, because the Chair as well as the members rely so much on the secretary, he or she has to do a lot of their thinking for them before, during and after the meeting. 1 Have a good memory Secretary has to remember what has happened before the meeting, e.g. at a previous meeting, what happens at the meeting itself (aiding their memories by taking notes), and what has to be done after the meeting. They should also remember personal details about the members of the meeting in case the Chair requires them. Their memory of previous hostilities, conflicts and conspiracies can be very helpful, especially to a new Chair. 2 Be good at,
A. Y
B. N
[填空题]What is good for us is usually what we want.


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