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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:29:54

Tech Addiction" Harms Learning"

The study of 267 pupils aged 11 to 18 found 63% felt addicted to the internet-Techno Addicts: Young Person Addiction to Technology-was carried out by researchers at Cranfield School of Management, Northampton Business School and academic consultancy AJM Associates.
Researchers used a written questionnaire to examine the nature and the volume of mobile phone calls and text messaging as well as computer use including e-mail, instant messaging and accessing social networking sites.
They found 62% first used or owned a computer before the age of eight, 80% first used the internet between the ages of five and 10,58% first used a mobile phone between the ages of eight and 10 and 58% have had access to a social networking sites between the ages of eleven and 13.
Over 63% felt addicted to the internet. Over 30% reported spending between one to two hours a day using the internet and 26% said they spen
A. The volume of mobile phone calls.
B. The volume of text messaging.
C. The volume of computer use.
D. The volume of computer games consumption.

更多"Tech Addiction' Harms Learning' Th"的相关试题:

Tech Addiction" Harms Learning"

The study of 267 pupils aged 11 to 18 -Techno Addicts: Young Person Addiction to Technology-was carried out by researchers at Cranfield School of Management. Northampton Business School and academic consultancy AJM Associates.
Researchers used a written questionnaire to examine the nature and the volume of mobile phone calls and text messaging as well as computer use including e - mail, instant messaging and accessing social networking sites.
They found 62% first used or owned a computer before the age of eight, 80% first used the internet between the ages of five and 10,58% first used a mobile Phone between the ages of eight and 10 and 58% have had access to a social networking sites between the ages of eleven and 13.
Over 63% felt addicted to the internet. Over 30% reported spending between one or two hours a day using the internet and 26% said they spent up to six or more hours a day.

A. Computer
B. Internet
C. Social networking site
D. Mobile phone
[填空题]What is distance learning It means that you study on your own, at home or wherever suits you. Recently, the world famous Open University in the United Kingdom has designed a new style of distance learning, which is called " (1) ". The phrase "Open Learning" means you study (2) . You read course material, work on course activities, and write (3) . The word "supported" means you have help (4) , the student services staff at regional centres, and centralized areas such as (5) . You can also contact other students through tutorials and (6) , the University’s online conferencing system, and events and clubs organised by (7) Most distance learning courses use printed paper materials. They also include some (8) materials such as a CD, DVD or video. Many courses have a web site and an (9) . You’ll need access to a computer (10) to make use of these. The Open University can help its students b


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