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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:30:04

[单项选择]______ is Japan’s biggest plastics group.
A. Mitsubishi Kasei
B. Mitsubishi Petrochemical
C. Mitsui Petrochemical Industries

更多"______ is Japan’s biggest plastics "的相关试题:

[填空题]______is Japan’s biggest plastics group
A. A.Mitsubishi Kasei
B.Mitsubishi petrochemical
C.Mitsui Petrochemical industries

[填空题]What’s the biggest part of stage fright for most students
[单项选择]The biggest problem with the U. S. health - care system is that it has long been designed to respond to illness rather than prevent it. According to an analysis by the Common wealth Fund, a foundation that funds health - care research, half of American adults in 2005 did not receive recommended preventive care, which includes vaccinations, cancer screenings and blood -pressure checks. When we do get our cardiac health checked, too often it’s because we’ve been rushed to the emergency room suffering from chest pains. When we do get a cancer evaluation, too often it’s a diagnosis of advanced disease that has spread beyond the initial tumor site.
What will probably happen under the present US health -care system
A. All Americans do not receive preventive care.
B. Many Americans seek medical help when it is too late.
C. Everyone who is sick will receive medical help.
D. Americans do not receive medial help even when they are sick.
[单项选择]Throughout Japan’s recent history of earthquakes, fires and tsunamis, none have matched the combined fury of those that battered the north of the country on March 11th, killing hundreds of people and leaving at least 1,000 unaccounted for. But on March 12th the Japanese faced another danger: a nuclear accident.
Two nuclear plants near the coast in Fukushima, a prefecture northeast of Tokyo, were being handled as emergency situations following the failure of systems to cool five nuclear reactors that have overheated. If any were to release large quantities of radioactive material, it could create s whole new level of catastrophe.
At this point, it is hard to gauge the degree of risk. It is an unprecedented situation in Japan, which is one of the world’s most nuclear intensive countries. Overnight, the government extended the radius from which it evacuated people near the Fukushima First (Daiichi) plant from 3 kilometers to 10km; according to news agency reports. This encompass
A. The earthquake brought about a lot of other destructive activities.
B. The earthquake was an unmatched accident in Japanese history.
C. The earthquake killed at least more than 1000 people.
D. The earthquake was the initial cause of the nuclear danger.
[单项选择]Japan’s January trade surplus ().
A. has jumped more than 40% since last year
B. has jumped about 40% since last January
C. was 5.3 billion dollars
D. was 25 million dollars
Japan’s Lost Generation

Hikikomori has become a major issue in Japan. Loosely translated as "social withdrawal", Hikikomori (31) to the state of anomie into which an increasing number of young Japanese seem to fall these days. Socially withdrawn kids typically lock themselves (32) their bedrooms and refuse to have any contact (33) the outside world. They live in reverse, they sleep all day, wake up in the evening and stay up all night watching television or playing video games. Some own computers or mobile phones, (34) most have few or no friends. Their funk can last for months, even years in extreme cases. No official statistics are available, but it is estimated (35) more than 1 million young Japanese suffer from the affliction. One (36) young man was the protagonist of my latest novel, Symbiosis Worm.
Hikikomori is a consequence of the phenomenal growth of the J


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