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发布时间:2023-10-17 18:48:20

[单项选择]Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What is the passage mainly about
A. Sleep and dreams.
B. The importance of dreams.
C. The amount of dreams.
D. Moods and attitudes.

更多"Questions 11 to 13 are based on the"的相关试题:

[填空题]Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Recently a sociologist from the University of New Hampshire, Murray Straus, presented a paper suggesting that corporal punishment leaves a long-lasting mark—in the form of lower IQ. Straus found that kids who were physically punished had up to a five-point lower IQ score than kids who weren’t—the more children were spanked, the lower their IQ—and that the effect could be seen not only in individual children, but across entire nations. Straus found that countries with higher GDP tended to be those where corporal punishment was used less often. In the U. S., the tendency to hit also varies with income, geography and culture.
So how might getting spanked on the butt actually affect the workings of the brain Straus notes that being spanked or hit is associated with fright and stress; kids who experience that kind of trauma (创伤)have a harder time focusing and learning.
It’s not clear if spanking ca

Questions 30 to 34 are based on the following passage.
One phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. During the recovery there is every-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much Capital is invested in machinery and "heavy" industry. More labor is employed. More raw materials are required. As one part of the economy develops, other parts are affected. For example, a great expansion in automobiles result in an expansion of the steel, glass, and rubber industries. Roads are required; thus the cement and machinery industries are stimulated. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials, including farmer
A. Toys
B. Machine tools
C. Foodstuffs
D. F arming


Questions 20 to 24 are based on the following passage.
Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness "for a great many people. Shy people are anxious and self-conscious; that is, they are excessively concerned with their own appearance and actions. Worrisome thoughts are constantly occurring in their minds: What kind of impression am 1 making Do they like me Do I sound stupid Am I wearing unattractive clothes
It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely. A person’s self-concept is reflected in the way he or she behaves, and the way a person behaves affects other people’s reactions. In general, the way people think about themselves has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.
Shy people, having low self-esteem, are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others. They need reassurance that they are doing "the right thing". Shy people are very sensitive to criticism; they feel
A. They are pleased by it.
B. They feel it is not true.
C. They are very sensitive to it.
D. They feel it confirms their inferiority.


Questions 25 to 29 are based on the following passage.
Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the "system" of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words, that price is the money
A. labor and education
B. transportation and insurance
C. utilities and repairs
D. products and services


Questions 15 to 19 are based on the following passage.
The biggest safety threat facing airlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun , but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, experts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones. RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation (航空) industry, has recommended that all airlines ban (禁止) such devices from being used during "critical" stages of flight, particularly take-off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights. Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some airlines prohibit passengers from using such
A. They may have been caused by the damage to the radio systems.
B. They may have taken Place during take-off and landing.
C. They were proved to have been caused by the passengers, portable computers.
D. They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.

[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage.Sandburg received the Pulitzer Prize for his Collected Poems in
A. 1915.
B. 1940.
C. 1948.
D. 1951.
[单项选择] Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis, that they talk too much about certain problems — and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.
I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, it turns out that their music or ente
A. parents of teenagers
B. newspaper readers
C. those who give advice to teenagers
D. teenagers
[单项选择]Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
In the United States elementary education begins at the age of six. At this stage nearly all the teachers are women, mostly married. (80) The atmosphere is usually very friendly, and the teachers have now accepted the idea that the important thing is to make the chil-dren happy and interested. The old authoritarian (要绝对服从的) methods of education were discredited (不被认可) rather a long time ago-so much so that many people now think that they have gone too far in the direction of trying to make children happy and interestedrather than giving them actual instruction.
The social education of young children tries to make them accept the idea that human beings in a society need to work together for their common good. So the emphasis is on co- operation rather than competition throughout most of this process. This may seem curious, in view of the fact that American society is highly competitive; however, the need for
A. sensible and sensitive
B. competitive and interested
C. curious and friendly
D. happy and co-operative
[填空题] Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
As the world excitedly greeted Snuppy, the first cloned dog, commentators celebrated our cleverness. Many feel proud that our age is marked by technological (47) . But an article in British newspaper The Observer recently said true innovation has (48) from our society.
The writer was Peter Watson, author of the book Ideas — A History from Fire to Freud. Watson began: "The year 2005 can’t begin to compete with 1905 in terms of (49) innovations."
"Writing a history of ideas over the past three ears, I have been (50) time and again by the fact that, contrary to what we tell ourselves all the time-on TV, in newspapers and magazines, in (51) and in government propaganda — our present world is nowhere near as (52) and innovative as it thinks it is, certainly in comparison with past ages."
"Yes, we are dazzled by mobile phones, camera
[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

This speaker is talking about ______ in the US.
A. the raising of children
B. old people and their children
C. the miserable life of parents
D. the present generation gap


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