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发布时间:2024-02-20 22:12:14

[单项选择][听力原文] 旗袍是在20世纪上半叶,由汉族女性参考满族女性传统服装设计的一种时装。经过多年的修正与改良,旗袍已经成为最能体现中国女性美的服装,被誉为中华服饰文化的代表。()
A. 旗袍是满族的传统服装 
B. 旗袍诞生于本世纪初期 
C. 旗袍已经流行了很多年 
D. 旗袍代表中国服饰文化

更多"[听力原文] 旗袍是在20世纪上半叶,由汉族女性参考满族女性传统服装"的相关试题:

[单项选择][听力原文] 汉族女性中最开始穿旗袍的是什么人?()
A. 学生 
B. 明星 
C. 职员 
D. 太太
[单项选择][听力原文] 现代旗袍的发源地是哪儿?()
A. 北京 
B. 广州 
C. 深圳 
D. 上海
[单项选择][听力原文] 穿旗袍露出小腿是在什么时候?()
A. 1926年 
B. 1927年 
C. 1928年 
D. 1929年
[单项选择][听力原文] 更新的旗袍面料从什么地方进口?()
A. 欧洲 
B. 美洲 
C. 亚洲 
D. 欧美
[单项选择][听力原文] 职业女性在办公室遇到困难时,应该如何处理?()
A. 用积极的态度处理问题 
B. 想办法获得别人的同情 
C. 独立思考之后解决问题 
D. 用女性的温柔化解矛盾
[单项选择][听力原文] 回家之后,职业女性应该怎么做?()
A. 在家人的面前发泄出情绪 
B. 比较完美地处理各种家务 
C. 展现女性温柔体贴的一面 
D. 好好地思考工作上的问题
[单项选择][听力原文] 很多职业女性照镜子是为了什么?()
A. 增强对于容貌的信心 
B. 肯定自己的社会身份 
C. 让同事更加认同自己 
D. 让上司更加关注自己
[单项选择][听力原文] 正式场合一般指节庆典礼、外事访问、隆重会议、文艺演出和婚礼宴会等,这时穿着的旗袍必须款式庄重,做工精致,同时也应注意发型和化妆,一般不需要跟其他服饰搭配。()
A. 正式场合一般只能穿旗袍 
B. 参加婚礼宴会要认真化妆 
C. 穿旗袍要跟其他服饰搭配 
D. 正式场合穿的旗袍要庄重
[单项选择][听力原文] ??女烟民占女性人口总数的百分之几?()
A. 50% 
B. 20% 
C. 30% 
D. 10%
[单项选择][听力原文] 巧克力可以使我们的心情保持愉快,因此现在很多人喜欢吃巧克力,尤其是女性。有些女性甚至不知不觉就对吃巧克力上了瘾。其实这是不好的现象。巧克力吃多了会使人发胖,而且会产生依赖。()
A. 吃巧克力可能会上瘾 
B. 巧克力不好 
C. 女性吃巧克力会变丑 
D. 女性吃巧克力有好处
[单项选择][听力原文] ()
A. 8:30 
B. 8:35 
C. 8:40 
D. 8:45
[单项选择][听力原文] 职业女性每天需要承受家庭和工作两方面的压力,容易出现焦急、忧郁等不良情绪,严重危害自身健康。在职场中,过于情绪化的反应也会对个人的职业形象产生不好的影响。那么,如何让职业女性保持平静、愉快的心情呢?有人提出了“抽屉理论”。 ??“抽屉理论”就是把不同的角色放进不同的抽屉。比如,进入办公室以后,就打开专业的“抽屉”。如果工作上遇到障碍,不妨向上级汇报,请求指示,也可以向有经验的前辈求教。人际交往中出现障碍时,可以站在别人的立场去考虑问题,或者保持恰当的距离去观察别人是怎么处理的。总之,要用积极、正面的态度去解决问题。职场女性请注意,哭没有什么不妥,但如果想在职场中立足,一定要学会控制自己的眼泪,表现得更加理智。 ??回到家以后,就可以打开爱与温柔的“抽屉”。打开这个,就关上那个,减少彼此的干扰。回家就是把工作情绪留在门外,展现女性温柔体贴的一面。但也别事事追求完美,要给自己留下放松的空间。此外,“抽屉”里应该留一个角落给朋友,和她们定期聚会并在日常生活中彼此关照。 职业女性容易产生哪种不良情绪?()
A. 嫉妒 
B. 忧郁 
C. 愤怒 
D. 自卑

American higher education offers degrees in many areas of study. A community college student earns an associate degree after two years of general study. The student may then continue at a college or university for another two years to earn a bachelor’s degree. An undergraduate student at a four-year school earns a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in an area of science receive the bachelor of science, also known by the letters B. S. Arts or humanities students get the bachelor of arts degree, or B. A. Students who continue in school may earn a master’s degree after two or three more years of study. Many Americans earn master’s degrees at night or on the weekends while they are working. One example of this is the MBA, a master’s degree in business administration. Students learn to deal with all kinds of business situations. They develop skills needed by many companies. MBA programs teach about economics, finance and marketing.
A. They can get an associate degree after two years of general study.
B. They can get a bachelor’s degree after two years of general study.
C. They can get a bachelor of science degree after four years of study.
D. They can get a bachelor of arts degree after four years of study.


Good morning, everyone Community service is an important component of education here at our university We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One on One" helps elementary students who’ve fallen behind. You education majors might be especially interested in it, because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching—that is tutoring in math and English. You’ll have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Howard will act as a mentor to the tutors. He’ll he available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutor
A. To explain a new requirement for graduation.
B. To interest students in a community service project.
C. To discuss the problems of elementary school students.
D. To recruit elementary school teachers for a special program.


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