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发布时间:2024-05-26 03:07:03

[填空题]Throughout history and through a cross-section of cultures, women have transformed their appearance to conform to a beauty ideal. American and European women lived in the 1800s cinched in their waists so tightly that some suffered internal damage. The North American ideal of beauty has continually focused on women’s bodies: the tiny waist of the Victorian period, and the voluptuous curves that were the measure of beauty between the 1930s and 1950s.
However, this relentless pursuit of thinness is not just an example of women trying to look their best; it is also a struggle for control, acceptance and success.
One of the negative psychological side effects associated with eating disorders is the patient’s distortion of their own body image, body image being defined as the picture a person has in his mind of his own body, that is, the way his body appears to him. Many women who are caught up in the relentless pursuit of thinness also experienc

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[填空题]Throughout history and through a cross-section of cultures, women have transformed their appearance to conform to a beauty ideal. American and European women lived in the 1800s cinched in their waists so tightly that some suffered internal damage. The North American ideal of beauty has continually focused on women’s bodies: the tiny waist of the Victorian period, and the voluptuous curves that were the measure of beauty between the 1930s and 1950s.
However, this relentless pursuit of thinness is not just an example of women trying to look their best; it is also a struggle for control, acceptance and success.
One of the negative psychological side effects associated with eating disorders is the patient’s distortion of their own body image, body image being defined as the picture a person has in his mind of his own body, that is, the way his body appears to him. Many women who are caught up in the relentless pursuit of thinness also experienc
Preserve the Environment

Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life.
With the tools of technology he has altered many physical features of the earth. He has transformed woodlands into farmland, and made lakes and reservoirs out of rivers for irrigation purposes or hydroelectric power. Man has also modified the face of the earth by draining marshes and cutting through mountains to build roads and railways.
However, man’s changes to the physical environment have not always had beneficial results. Today, pollution of the air and water is an increasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles; smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of countryside. The air in cities is becoming increasingly unhealthy.
The pollution of water is equally harmful. In the sea,
A. altering the physical features of the earth
B. modifying the face of the planet
C. improving his surroundings
D. bettering his way of life
[填空题]Throughout history the basic unit of almost every human society has been the family. Members of a family live together under the same roof, and they share the economic (36) of life as well as its affectionate joys. It is the family that has (37) responsibility for the important task of raising children to adulthood.
The family is not a uniform concept in all societies. In many places it is an (38) group that includes uncles, aunts, (39) and in-laws. The head of the family usually has considerable influence in arranging marriages, selecting careers and (40) all the important moves and (41) by any member of the family. (42) where the society or the state does not give aid and where (43) the responsibilities of the family are greater, (44)
In many other societies, including most industrialized ones, the "nuclear family" is the basic social unit. (45) Industrializat


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