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发布时间:2024-05-25 02:54:33

[填空题]The 20th century has seen the rise and decline of a succession of industries in the U.S. The auto industry has had to struggle to meet the (26) of foreign competition. But many new industries have appeared. Many of them are among what are known as high technology or "hi-tech" industries because of their (27) the latest developments in technology.
Hi-tech industries tend to be (28) and thus to need fewer workers than traditional industries such as steel-making. As high hi-tech industries have grown and older industries have declined in recent years, the (29) of American workers employed in manufacturing has declined. Service industries now (30) the economy. Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the (31) of meals in restaurants. It is said the United States has moved into a "post-industrial-era".
No single factor (32) the successes of American business and industry. Rich re

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[填空题]The 20th century has seen the rise and decline of a succession of industries in the U.S. The auto industry has had to struggle to meet the (26) of foreign competition. But many new industries have appeared. Many of them are among what are known as high technology or "hi-tech" industries because of their (27) the latest developments in technology.
Hi-tech industries tend to be (28) and thus to need fewer workers than traditional industries such as steel-making. As high hi-tech industries have grown and older industries have declined in recent years, the (29) of American workers employed in manufacturing has declined. Service industries now (30) the economy. Service industries range from banking to telecommunications to the (31) of meals in restaurants. It is said the United States has moved into a "post-industrial-era".
No single factor (32) the successes of American business and industry. Rich re
[填空题]The latter part of the 20th century has seen a continuous increase in economic growth, but such achievements, according to L.R. Brown, do not necessarily make up a cause for celebration.

[多项选择]During the 20th century Europe has experienced periods of considerable economic growth and prosperity, and industrial development has proliferated much more widely throughout the continent: but continued economic development in Europe has been handicapped to a large degree by its multi- national character--which has spawned economic rivalries among states and two devastating World wars--as well as by the exhaustion of many of its resources and by increased economic, competition from overseas. Governmental protectionism, which has tended to restrict the potential market for a product to a single country, has deprived many industrial concerns of the efficiencies of large-scale production serving a mass market ( such as is found in the United States). In addition, enterprise efficiency has suffered from government support and from a lack of competition within a national market area. Within individual countries there have been growing tensions between regions that have prospered
[单项选择]In the late 20th century, information has acquired two major utilitarian connotations. On the one hand, it is considered an economic resource, somewhat on par with other resources such as labour, material, and capital. This view stems from evidence that the possession, manipulation, and use of information can increase the cost-effectiveness of many physical and cognitive processes. The rise in information-processing activities in industrial manufacturing as well as in human problem solving has been remarkable. Analysis of one of the three traditional divisions of the economy, the service sector, shows a sharp increase in information-intensive activities since the beginning of the 20th century. By 1975 these activities accounted for half of the labour force of the United States, giving rise to the so-called information society.
As an individual and societal resource, information has some interesting characteristics that separate it from the traditional notions of economic resources
A. the remarkable rise in information-processing activities
B. a sharp increase in information-intensive activities
C. information as an economic resource
D. the birth of information society

If the 20th century has been the American century, then there are plenty of people saying watch this space: the twenty first century will be different. The distinguishing characteristic of the post-cold-war world is that there is only one super power. 41) _______________.
The military muscle-flexing we have seen from China over the last few years could be an indication of how things are likely to go, although it has to be said that to many people’s surprise the Chinese have been quite constructive over East Timor. But I think we must assume that the main struggle in the 21st century will be with China, already the world’s largest nation. Happily, the Chinese seem to have no global pretensions. One can’t see them interfering in some far-distant conflict, and in both military and economic terms they are still light years behind America.
42) _______________.
Europe is already the largest trading block in the world, 43) _______________. . It&


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