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发布时间:2023-11-01 00:41:06

[填空题]I am busy in preparing for studying abroad.
I am busy in ______ for studying abroad.

更多"I am busy in preparing for studying"的相关试题:


[填空题]I’m sorry I am very busy now. If I had time, I (come) ______ to see you.

[填空题]I am busy with my homework and examinations every day.
I am busy ______ every day.

[单项选择]European retailers are busy preparing the supermarkets of the future for shoppers from the past. The average age of European shoppers has already started its spectacular rise: from 38 today to 52 by 2050. This demographic shift is the direct result of the combination of increased longevity and lower birthrates. In some European Union countries, as much as one third of the population will be over 50 by the year 2015. So how will supermarkets cater to their ageing clientele In Vienna, the German company Adeg Aktiv thinks it may have found the answer. Their new superstores, Like the one the company is currently piloting, will feature some intriguing innovations; products will be Labeled in larger print, shelves will be Lower to provide easy access and shopping carts will have fold down seats to give tired shoppers an instant break.
The employees will also be selected from an older age group, the over-fifties. That fits nicely with the store’s new 50+ trademark. Just how successful th
A. Specially designed shopping carts
B. Personal shopping assistants
C. Easy to read labels
D. Easy to reach products


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