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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:29:39

[填空题]More people than ever are drinking coffee these
days—but in small quantifies than they used to. Some 62. ______
manufacturers of coffee makers are trying to make 63. ______
advantage of this trend by developing diminutive
machines that brew (煮) smaller amounts of coffee.
Two U.S. appliance companies—Black & Decker,
basing in Towson, Maryland, and Toastmaster Inc. of 64. ______
Columbia, Missouri—has recently introduced "drip" 65. ______
coffee makers that brew one or two cup servings of
coffee. Neither of the products brew the coffee 66. ______
directly into a cup or mug, eliminating the need for a
separate carafe. Since many people make a pot of
coffee in the morning and drink only a single cup, the 67. ______
new coffee makers should reduce the wasted coffee.
Black & Decker’s Cup-at-a-Time spends $27, while 68. ______
Toastmaster’s Coffee Break retails for $20.

更多"More people than ever are drinking "的相关试题:

[填空题]More people than ever are drinking coffee these
days—but in small quantifies than they used to. Some 62. ______
manufacturers of coffee makers are trying to make 63. ______
advantage of this trend by developing diminutive
machines that brew (煮) smaller amounts of coffee.
Two U.S. appliance companies—Black & Decker,
basing in Towson, Maryland, and Toastmaster Inc. of 64. ______
Columbia, Missouri—has recently introduced "drip" 65. ______
coffee makers that brew one or two cup servings of
coffee. Neither of the products brew the coffee 66. ______
directly into a cup or mug, eliminating the need for a
separate carafe. Since many people make a pot of
coffee in the morning and drink only a single cup, the 67. ______
new coffee makers should reduce the wasted coffee.
Black & Decker’s Cup-at-a-Time spends $27, while 68. ______
Toastmaster’s Coffee Break retails for $20.

More people than ever before are embarking on their own enterprise adventure and starting their own business. Nearly 400, 000 companies were established last year, or 35 percent more than in 2002.
But official statistics also show that more businesses than ever are failing. Last year, a record 40,000 businesses were declared insolvent.
With so many businesses failing it is important if you are thinking of starting a business to plan and prepare properly. This will also increase the chances of securing finance.
"One of the key parts of starting a business is ensuring that the original idea is developed into a fully viable product or service," Judith Rutherford, the chief executive of Business Link for London, says. "Establishing whether there is a market for the product or service is the next step. This should include a thorough examination of potential competitors and customers," she says. "It may also be worth commissioning some m
A. 400,000. 
B. 40,000.
C. 300,000.
D. 260,000.


There are more rich people than ever before, including some 7 million millionaires, and over 400 billionaires. From sipping champagne to taking trips into space, they are getting plenty of pleasure—though as our survey of the new rich shows, these rich should have worries, too, not least about the damaging effect their wealth may have on their children. 61)As for the poor, the gap between them and the rich is rising, even in the industrialized countries where for much of the 20th century the gap had narrowed. In America, between 1979 and 1997 the average income of the richest fifth of the population jumped from nine times the income of the poorest fifth to around 15 times. In 1990, British income inequality reached its widest level in 40 years.
 However, the first question to ask about inequality is this: if the have-nots are angry about it, are they right to be
 62) In societies where advancement is on merit and seemingly open to everyone, regardl


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