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发布时间:2023-10-02 18:58:54

[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author’s views the superficial appropriation of the Catholic religion as which of the following
A. Disrespectful
B. Clever
C. Aggressive
D. Generous
E. Futile

更多"It can be inferred that the author’"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What can be inferred about the author’s topic for the next part()
A. How it improved to become what it is now.
B. The White House of the next president.
C. The people who made the White House.
D. How it became respected.
[填空题]It can be inferred that the author presupposes that the reader will regard a course in literature as a course ______.

[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author considers the way schizophrenia has been classified by doctors after 1960 to be an example of which of the following
A. A disease which resisted traditional methods of classification, but has been served well by modern methods of classification
B. A disease which has resisted modern methods of classification, and continues to require a traditional method of classification
C. A disease which satisfies modern methods of classification best, but which scientists prefer to classify through a traditional method
D. A disease which satisfies traditional methods of classification best, but which scientists prefer to classify through a modern method
E. A disease which may be defined equally well by modern methods of classification as by traditional ones
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author of the passage considers the application of the label "diseased" to a patient to be
A. often inhumane and rarely necessary
B. unrelated to the actual study of disease taxonomy
C. often necessary but undesirable in certain cases
D. a superficial approach to the patient’s health
E. too difficult to be done with accuracy
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author would define the "delicate balance" mentioned in the last paragraph as the equilibrium between
A. establishing ties between generations of women writers and fighting patriarchal influence
B. actively fighting and passively documenting the literary effects of the sex/gender system
C. assigning the proper weight to the concept of gender as socially constructed and biologically inherited
D. avoiding marginalization on the political fringes and de-politicization in the political mainstream
E. avoiding submitting the patriarchal system of criticism while also avoiding alienating the public
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author would likely believe which of the following concerning modern action films, where character is commonly subordinated to plot
A. Such a film would be a clumsy misinterpretation of uniquely Greek dramatic principles in action.
B. Such a film would be a skillful adaptation of uniquely Greek dramatic principles.
C. Such a film would be an interesting but limited example of a general dramatic principle in action.
D. Such a film would be a clever and revealing example of a general dramatic principle in action.
E. Such a film would illustrate the differences between uniquely Greek and general dramatic principles.
[单项选择]It may be inferred that the author would classify which of the following modes of behavior as a referential symbol that originally derived from a condensation symbol
A. Vocalizing inarticulately in order to express rage without using words
B. Writing a pictographic character that vaguely resembles a physical object
C. Flag signaling where the flag movement relies on an existing arbitrary code
D. The use of right-lane highways by general agreement
E. Genuflection to indicate one’s willingness to serve in a situation
[单项选择]It may be inferred that the author believes that historians prior to Batalla have committed the error of
A. arguing that survivalist strategies did not exist prior to the conquering of the Mesoamerican plateau
B. assuming that the strategies Batalla suggests would be ineffective in preventing the Nahau’s domination
C. portraying the conquering of the Mesoamerican peoples as a case of total submission
D. overestimating the role of conquest in determining the survivalist strategies Batalla articulates
E. advancing an alternative but erroneous schema of survivalist strategies for Mesoamerican people
[单项选择]It may be inferred that the author of the passage considers The Birth of a Nation to be
A. A movie that would likely require the input of African-Americans, were it to be remade
B. A movie that African-Americans would be unlikely to respond to in a positive fashion
C. A movie outside African-American cinema whose adaptation to the African- American genre would likely prove awkward
D. A movie that validates the pathologies it depicts in the African-American community
E. A movie made with limited knowledge of the African-American community
[单项选择]You can come now ______ you can meet us at the supermarket later.
[A] as [B] but [C] or
[填空题]S7. Picasso’s S7(1) can make S7(2) sharper.

[填空题]The Chairman’s Introduction
1. The meeting was supposed to take place in the ............
2. The second point on the agenda concerns the ..............of programmes.
3. Fewer people have been watching ...............
4. More people have been watching ...............
5. They may need to produce a new programme which will last for ..................
The Video
6. The chairman shows a video of a programme called ...........
7. Business people were not expecting a rise in ................
8. Derek Hallam is President of the ..................Association.
9. Derek Hallam is concerned about the damage to exports caused by a strong ...............
10. There is to be a ..................between AKC and TBN.
11 The price of shares in the chemical companies has risen by .................
A Criticism
12. The Institute of Managers has complained about ................TV interviewing styles.


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