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发布时间:2024-03-28 21:07:47

[单项选择]Passage Two
You don’t have to tackle your job search alone. The ability to let others help is the single most overlooked skill set needed when searching for a new job. Here are four ways I suggest job hunters ask their friends to help get a new job.
1. Ask friends for candor: Have friends examine every aspect of the "package" you present to potential employers-from your cover letter and resume to the outfits (套装) you wear to interviews. Even the most self-aware among us need the enhanced perspective that comes with frank feedback. Their responses may be the single most important factor in improving your application.
2. Build your work plan together: Keeping initiative in your job search isn’t easy, particularly if you’re someone who has relied on bosses and colleagues to provide structure to your work in the past. Friends can help! Sit down with someone who you respect and who has what is called "high executive functioning"-the ability to break
A. Living Healthily.
B. Opinion.
C. Science.
D. Advice and Know-how.

更多"Passage Two You don’t have to tack"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Two
You don’t have to tackle your job search alone. The ability to let others help is the single most overlooked skill set needed when searching for a new job. Here are four ways I suggest job hunters ask their friends to help get a new job.
1. Ask friends for candor: Have friends examine every aspect of the "package" you present to potential employers-from your cover letter and resume to the outfits (套装) you wear to interviews. Even the most self-aware among us need the enhanced perspective that comes with frank feedback. Their responses may be the single most important factor in improving your application.
2. Build your work plan together: Keeping initiative in your job search isn’t easy, particularly if you’re someone who has relied on bosses and colleagues to provide structure to your work in the past. Friends can help! Sit down with someone who you respect and who has what is called "high executive functioning"-the ability to break
A. To get familiar with potential employers.
B. To ask friends for help.
C. To prepare well-written resumes.
D. To prepare suitable clothes for interviews.
[单项选择]If you don’t have your files protected while working on the computer, you might have them ( ) by accident.
A. subtracted
B. extinguished
C. deleted
D. expelled
[单项选择]They will have you () if you don’t pay your taxes.
A. to be arrested
B. arrest
C. arrested
D. being arrested
[填空题]Where two colors meet, you don’t have to wait until the first color dries before returning to apply the second color.
[简答题]What’s your minor at college If you don’t have one, what would you like to choose if permitted
  • A. you don’t have to carry your laptop along
  • B. the information will be shown digitally on the pen
  • C. FedEx has special software to store your information
  • D. it works like an ordinary pen
  • E. you simply place the pen into its computer-connected cradle
  • F. the movement of your pen is recorded digitally inside the pen

There is no need to learn how to use the io Personal Digital Pen because ______.
[单项选择]Speaker A: I don’t imagine you have your camera with you. The view is so fabulous I do not want to miss it.
Speaker B: I did.bring my camera along. ______.
A. But I’m afraid if you have ever seen it
B. Unfortunately enough that the battery is still going on
C. Unfortunately the battery inside is low
D. And luckily enough it doesn’t work
[多项选择]· You have just found a new job. Your manager, Frank, asked you to draw up a work plan.
· Write a note to your manager;
· agreeing to formulate the plan
· stating the focus of the plan
· asking about the deadline for the plan.
[简答题]Relieved of your responsibilities at your job, your home should be a place to relax at.
[单项选择]You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, () you won’t pass the course.
A. and
B. but
C. or
D. so


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