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发布时间:2023-12-16 18:49:58

Dangers Await Babies with Altitude

Women who live in the world’s highest communities tend to give birth to under-weight babies, a new study suggests. These babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokes.
Research has hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighter than average. Bur it wasn’t clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished — many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower down.
To find out more, Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998. The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities: La Paz and Santa Cruz. La Paz is the highest city in the world, at 3.65 kilometers above sea level, while Santa Cruz is much lower, at 0.44 kilometers.
Sure enough, Giussani found that the averag
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

更多"Dangers Await Babies with Altitude "的相关试题:

Dangers Await Babies with Altitude

Women who live in the world’s highest communities tend to give birth to under-weight babies, a new study suggests. These babies may grow into adults with a high risk of heart disease and strokes.
Research has hinted that newborns in mountain communities are lighter than average. Bur it wasn’t clear whether this is due to reduced oxygen levels at high altitude or because their mothers are under-nourished — many people who live at high altitudes are relatively poor compared with those living lower down.
To find out more, Dino Giussani and his team at Cambridge University studied the records of 400 births in Bolivia during 1997 and 1998. The babies were born in both rich and poor areas of two cities: La Paz and Santa Cruz. La Paz is the highest city in the world, at 3.65 kilometers above sea level, while Santa Cruz is much lower, at 0.44 kilometers.
Sure enough, Giussani found that the averag
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
[简答题]Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies on average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don’t.
[简答题]Women who smoke during pregnancy produce babies 6n average about 5 to 8 ounces lighter than those who don’t.

[单项选择]Both women, who were being treated at a hospital, would have died if it had not been for Brill’s quick response.()
A. 要不是布里尔反应迅速,正在医院接受治疗的这两个女人早就死了。
B. 这两个女人在医院差点死去,幸好布里尔迅速的赶往医院去看望她们。
C. 这两个女人在医院得到了治疗,要不是布里尔反应迅速,她俩都已死去。
D. 尽管布里尔迅速的将这两个女人送往医院但她俩仍可能死去。
E. 布里尔反应敏捷,迅速将两个女人送往医院,不然她俩早就死了。
[简答题]There are a lot of women secretaries who will do the job as well as men. (Line 2, Last Paragraph, Passage 2)
[简答题]If the social status of women, who make up nearly half of China’s population, is advanced, there must be ________________ (人权的进步).
[单项选择] That question "why women live longer than men" can be answered at two levels. An evolutionary biologist would tell you that it is because women get evolutionary bonus points from living long enough to help bring up the grandchildren. Men, by contrast, wear themselves out competing for the right to procreate in the first place. That is probably true, but not much help to the medical profession. However, a group of researchers at John Moores University has just come up with a medically useful answer. It is that while 70-year-old men have the hearts of 70-year-olds, those of their female peers resemble the hearts of 20-year-olds. David Goldspink and his colleagues looked at 250 volunteers aged between 18 and 80 over two years. All the volunteers were healthy but physically inactive. The team’’s principal finding was that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25% between the ages of 18 and 70, while that of the female heart remains undiminished. They found that between the age
A. men can’’t recover lost heart function in any way
B. men can recover lost heart function at any age
C. proper exercise does good to the heart at any age
D. it’’s too late to start exercise when men are getting old


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