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发布时间:2024-03-29 02:56:01

[简答题]{{B}}Task 3{{/B}}
Beijing has an extensive public transportation network. Subway and City Rail with high speed trains running at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes are the fastest public transportation in the city. There are more than 60 thousand taxis in the city. Public buses are the cheapest means of transportation which cover the entire city.
The starting fare of public buses is 1 Yuan in the city and 2 Yuan in the suburb areas. It is also a good idea to buy a Public Transportation Card which charges a starting fare of 40 cents per trip. You need to pay a deposit of 20 Yuan and prepay a certain amount to use the Public Transportation Card just like any Beijing citizen. When you leave Beijing, just return the Card at any card sale counter and the deposit will be refunded to you. The Public Transportation Card can also be used in Subway and City Rails but no discount on the ticket fares will be given.
1. This passage is talking about Beijing’

更多"{{B}}Task 3{{/B}} Beijing has a"的相关试题:

[简答题]{{B}}Task 3{{/B}}
Beijing has an extensive public transportation network. Subway and City Rail with high speed trains running at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes are the fastest public transportation in the city. There are more than 60 thousand taxis in the city. Public buses are the cheapest means of transportation which cover the entire city.
The starting fare of public buses is 1 Yuan in the city and 2 Yuan in the suburb areas. It is also a good idea to buy a Public Transportation Card which charges a starting fare of 40 cents per trip. You need to pay a deposit of 20 Yuan and prepay a certain amount to use the Public Transportation Card just like any Beijing citizen. When you leave Beijing, just return the Card at any card sale counter and the deposit will be refunded to you. The Public Transportation Card can also be used in Subway and City Rails but no discount on the ticket fares will be given.
1. This passage is talking about Beijing’
[单项选择]Task 3
Beijing has an extensive public transportation network. Subway and City Rail with high speed trains running at intervals of 3 to 5 minutes are the fastest public transportation in the city. There are more than 60 thousand taxis in the city. Public buses are the cheapest means of transportation which cover the entire city.
The starting fare of public buses is 1 Yuan in the city and 2 Yuan in the suburb areas. It is also a good idea to buy a Public Transportation Card which charges a starting fare of 40 cents per trip. You need to pay a deposit of 20 Yuan and prepay a certain amount to use the Public Transportation Card just like any Beijing citizen. When you leave Beijing, just return the Card at any card sale counter and the deposit will be refunded to you. The Public Transportation Card can also be used in Subway and City Rails but no discount on the ticket fares will be given.
1. This passage is talking about Beijing’s (46)
[单项选择]{{B}}Task 2{{/B}}
This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.
You have probably seen ads in newspaper or on television for mail-order companies. Perhaps a catalogue has been sent to you. Why do people buy things they have not seen in person Some people believe that things can be bought more cheaply by mail. Another good thing about buying by mail is that it is easier and more enjoyable to sit at home and work through a catalogue than to shop around the stores. With a catalogue from a large company, you have your own shop window for almost everything you want to buy.
Buying from a catalogue is so easy. It saves the shopper time and trouble. Sometimes, it saves the shopper money, too. But people often buy more than they can really afford or need, because many things look so good to them Th
A. To enjoy themselves.
B. To save money and trouble.
C. To get more than they need.
D. To look for something new.
[单项选择]Task 2
{{B}}Conversation{{/B}}: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.
Human language is a living thing. Each language has its own biological system, which makes it different from all other languages. This system must constantly adjust to a new environment and new situations to survive and flourish (兴盛).
When we think of human language this way, it is an easy step to see the words of a language as being like the ceils of a living organism (机物)-they are constantly forming and dying and splitting into parts as time changes and the language adapts.
There are several specific processes by which new words are formed. Some words come into the language which sound like what they refer to. Words like buzz (嗡嗡) and ding-dong are good examples of this process.

A. the biological system of a living organism
B. the inventors of sandwich and hamburger
C. the development of human ceils
D. the changes of a language


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