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发布时间:2023-11-09 07:13:04


W: Prof Schneider, you and three colleagues just published new research in the Proceedings of the National (US) Academy of Sciences. Could you explain what this tells us
M: Many current investigations into climate change rely on statistical or physical models--and all models rely on assumptions.
We thought why not ask plants and animals directly if they have felt any climate changes lately We wanted to find out if nature had more credible answers than models alone the animals and plants in nature can give us independent evidence of human induced global warming.
So we looked at more than 130 different plant and bird species in the northern hemisphere--mainly in Northern America and Europe--to see how flowering and migration times have changed. And we compared our findings with a state-of-the-art climate model driven by natural forces like volcanic eruptions, human pressures like greenhouse gas emissions and the combination.
Normally, such model-driv
A. Establishing physical models
B. Establishing statistical models.
C. Making assumptions about climate change.
D. Finding evidence in animal and plant species.

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W: Prof Schneider, you and three colleagues just published new research in the Proceedings of the National (US) Academy of Sciences. Could you explain what this tells us
M: Many current investigations into climate change rely on statistical or physical models--and all models rely on assumptions.
We thought why not ask plants and animals directly if they have felt any climate changes lately We wanted to find out if nature had more credible answers than models alone the animals and plants in nature can give us independent evidence of human induced global warming.
So we looked at more than 130 different plant and bird species in the northern hemisphere--mainly in Northern America and Europe--to see how flowering and migration times have changed. And we compared our findings with a state-of-the-art climate model driven by natural forces like volcanic eruptions, human pressures like greenhouse gas emissions and the combination.
Normally, such model-driv
A. Flowering and migration.
B. Volcanic eruption.
C. Greenhouse gas emissions.
D. Human activities.

[单项选择]Had you worked harder in the past three years, you ( ) already a college student as your best friend Torn is.
A. are
B. have been
C. were
D. be
[单项选择]Passage Three
Suppose that you, a college student of somewhat limited means, are in the market for a used pickup truck. The following ad in a local used car publication catches your eyes.
1993 Ford Ranger, bilk, 4WD, a/c
AM/FM/cass., showroom condition.
Call 555-1234 after 5 p.m.
This is exactly the kind of vehicle you want, so you call to inquire about the price. The price you are quoted over the phone is $2,000 lower than the price for this model with this equipment listed in a used car guidebook. Instead of being ecstatic, however, you are suspicious.
For many products, when you must pay less than the going rate, you believe you are getting a great deal. ①This is not necessarily the case for used cars or other durable goods(washing machines and television sets, for example) because with expensive products-or, what is essentially the same
A. are very clever but not very rich
B. are very capable but not very diligent
C. have limited material resources
D. are not rich

Passage Three
It began as just another research project, in this case to examine the effects of various drugs on patients with a severe mood disorder. Using an advanced brain scanning technology--the clumsily named echo-planar magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (磁共振光谱成像 ) procedure, or EP-MRSI--researchers at Boston’s McLean Hospital scanned the medicated and un-medicated brains of 30 people with bipolar disorder in order to detect possible new treatments for the more than 2 million American adults who suffer from the disease.
But something unexpected happened. A patient who had been so depressed that she could barely speak became ebullient after the 45-minute brain scan. Then a second patient, who seemed incapable of even a smile, emerged actually telling jokes. Then another and another. Was this some coincidence Aimee Parow, the technician who made these observations didn’t think so. She mentioned the pa
A. who has bipolar disorder
B. what improves people’s moods
C. whether magnetic scanning is a treatment
D. how some patients respond to some drugs


You have made an appointment with Prof. Li, but failed to keep it. Write a letter to your teacher to
1) apologize for your failure to keep the appointment;
2) explain your reason to your teacher;
3) express your wish to make another appointment.
You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead.

I Know Just How You Feel

Do you feel sad Happy Angry You may think that the way you show these emotions is unique. Well, think again. Even the expression of the most personal feelings can be classified, according to Mind Reading game, a DVD displaying every possible human emotion. It demonstrates 412 distinct ways in which we feel the first visual dictionary of the human heart.
Attempts to classify expressions began in the mid-1800s, when Darwin divided the emotions into six types-anger, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise and enjoyment. (46) . Every other feeling was thought to derive from Darwin’s small group. More complex expressions of emotions were probably learned and therefore more specific to each culture. But now it is believed that many more facial expressions are shared worldwide. (47) . The Mind Reading DVD is a systematic visual record of these expressions.
The project was conceived by a Ca


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