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发布时间:2023-10-20 23:10:00

[单项选择]The prlducts were processed,paceed stowed and transported () the food hygicnic requirements.
A. under
B. in
C. on
D. by

更多"The prlducts were processed,paceed "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The prlducts were processed,paceed stowed and transported ()the food hygicnic requirements.
A. under
B. in
C. on
D. by
[单项选择]The products were processed, packed, stowed、and transported ______ the food、hygienic requirements.
A. to
B. of
C. off
D. under
[单项选择]A client is scheduled to undergo percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). The nurse explains the procedure to the client. Which of the following statements by the nurse is most appropriate()
A. "PTCA involves opening a blocked artery with an inflatable balloon located on the end of a catheter. "
B. "PTCA involves cutting away blockages with a special catheter. "
C. "PTCA involves passing a catheter through the coronary arteries to find blocked arteries. "
D. "PTCA involves inserting grafts to divert blood from blocked coronary arteries. "
Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.
(81)(81) The agreement is overseen by the Committee on Agriculture which reviews progress in the implementation of commitments, and is required to monitor the follow-up on the Ministerial decision relating to the least-developed countries and net-food importing developing countries. "Peace" provisions within the agreement aim to reduce the likelihood of serious disputes or challenges on agricultural subsidies over a period of nine years.
(82) The agreement was conceived as part of a continuing process with the long-term objective of securing substantial progressive reductions in support and protection in agriculture. It calls for further negotiations to be initiated before the end of the fifth year of implementation.
(83) The Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and phytosanitary(植物检疫的)Measures concerns the application of food
[单项选择]The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from ______ Linguistics.
A. Applied
B. Comparative Historical
C. Traditional
D. Structural
[简答题]72. Chinese-English Translation
Directions: Translate the following into English and write your translation on your Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
但是,对于所有的正在进行的激动人心的工作而言,科学远没有达到一个能塑造完美的 人或者甚至一个完美的番茄的美好新世界的境地。在基因治疗普及之前,仍然需要作大量研 究。如果许多疾病真的可以治疗的话,那将花上数十年的时间。
就短期而言,基因筛选将是运用技术的最可行的办法。医生们能在治疗各种DNA 缺陷之前检验它们。在某种情况下,这些信息可以延续疾病的发作或是减轻它的病症。 例如,一个有着遗传性易患心脏病体质的人可以进行低脂肪的饮食。如果科学家测出由于 制造一种重要蛋白质的基因存在缺陷从而导致这种蛋白质丢失的话,也许科学家就可以给 这位病人提供人工蛋白质。然而,在其他情况下,对于阻止由于基因突变而导致的不幸 几乎无能为力。
[简答题]71. English-Chinese Translation
Directions: Translate the following into Chinese and write your translation on your Answer SheetⅡ.
Physicists all over the world, back in 1895, were pretty much agreed that the great work of physics had all been done. Some of them mourned publicly that no discoveries of truly major importance were likely to be made in the future. But then they did not know that a Professor Roentgen, working alone in a modest laboratory in Germany, had begun a series of experiments with a crude induction coil, a pear-shaped bulb from which the air had been removed, and a sheet of paper painted with certain metallic salts. And Professor Roentgen did not know that his work was destined to reveal a force of nature--never before suspected--that would almost overnight revolutionize medicine and technology, and become a instrument for deeper probing of the structure of matter.

Which of the following is true about American transportation system a. Only those who are well off can afford to travel by plane. b. Trains run even slower than cars. c. People prefer to take trains even they are slower than planes. d. Cars are preferred over planes.
[单项选择]Unfortunately, the new swine flu virus can be transmitted between humans. It is not clear yet how easily it is transmitted, nor how it is transmitted. Almost surely it is transmitted by sneezing and coughing, and by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.
How is the swine flu virus transmitted according to the passage
A. It is very easily transmitted from person to person.
B. It is not quite sure how it is transmitted yet.
C. It is surely transmitted by sneezing or coughing.
D. It is surely transmitted by skin-to-skin contact.
[填空题]The writer tells us there are three routes of transmitting HIV.


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