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发布时间:2024-04-26 01:29:29

[简答题]There were times ______ (我尽量避免去想那些令人不快的事).

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[简答题]There were times ______ (我尽量避免去想那些令人不快的事).

[填空题]When times were hard, white men thought that Chinese Americans were responsible for the white men’s unemployment.

Most towns up to Elizabethan times were smaller than a modern village and each of them was built around its weekly market where local produce was brought for sale and the town folks sold their work to the people from the countryside and provided them with refreshment for the day. Trade was virtually confined to that one day even in a town of a thousand or so people. On market days craftsmen put up their stalls in the open air whilst on one or two other days during the week the townsman would pack up his loaves, or nails, or cloth, and set out early to do a day’s trade in the market of an adjoining town where, however, he would be charged a heavy toll for the privilege and get a less favourable spot for his stand than the local craftsmen. Another chance for him to make a sale was to the congregation gathered for Sunday morning worship. Although no trade was allowed anywhere during the hours of the service (except at annual fair times), after church there would be some trade
A. sold all of their goods on market days.
B. could sell their goods during Sunday morning services.
C. coud do trades in neighbour towns freely.
D. didn’t have chance to do trades everyday.

我喜欢给某些词语赋予特殊的含义:拿“度日”来说吧,天色不佳,令人不快的时候,我将“度日”看做是“消磨光阴”,而风和日丽的时候,我却不愿意去“度”,这时我是在慢慢玩赏、领略美好的时光。坏日子,要飞快去“度”,好日子,要停下来细细品尝。 “度日”、“消磨时光”的常用语令人想起那些“哲人”的习气。他们以为生命的利用不外乎将它打发、消磨,并且尽量回避它,无视它的存在,仿佛这是一件苦事、一件贱物似的。至于我,我却认为生命不是这样的,我觉得它值得称颂,富有乐趣,即便我自己到了垂暮之年也还是如此。我们的生命受到自然的厚赐,它是优越无比的,如果我们觉得不堪生之重压或是白白虚度此生,那也只能怪我们自己。
A. 消磨时光
B. 富有乐趣
C. 枯燥无味
D. 丰盈饱满
[单项选择]In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ______ dreams were likely to be highly respected.
A. impart
B. inherit
C. interpret
D. intervene
[单项选择]In ancient times the most important exams were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.
In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor’s degree.
Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same into existence with the great increase, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory.
Certainly, dur
A. personal
B. objective
C. spoken
D. written


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