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发布时间:2024-05-26 07:42:19

[填空题]Genetic medicines are newer and more expensive.

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[单项选择]Eastern medicines are becoming more popular in the west, but few people realize how long the two cultures have exchanged ideas. Now an exhibition at the Science Museum in London explores how the two have interacted on medicine through the centuries.
Called East Meets West: Medical Ideas on the Move. It looks at examples of how ideas and technologies have moved from one side of the world to another. It opens on Thursday and is based on an exhibition presented by the Welcome Trust; Neil Fazakerley is curator of the exhibition. He said: "It’s attractive because it’s taking a medical history story but from a slightly different angle, showing how the different cultures have interacted."
"It’s obvious that eastern medical practices are becoming more popular in the west but maybe people don’t know that ideas have been exchanged for thousands of years and medicine is not a static thing." The exhibition details four main areas: Ancient Greek and Islamic medical ideas, and how they
A. It is sponsored by the Welcome Trust.
B. It presents the influence of Indian medicine.
C. It attracts many visitors, both local and foreign.
D. It is special in that it introduces the medical history.
Eat More, Weigh Less, Live Longer

Clever genetic detective work may have found out the reason why a near-starvation diet prolongs the life of many animals.
Ronald Kahn at Harvard Medical School in Boston, U.S. , and his colleagues have been able to extend the lifespan (寿命) of mice by 18 per cent by blocking the rodent’s (啮齿动物) increase of fat in specific cells. This suggests that thinness-and not necessarily diet-promotes long life in "calorie (热量卡) restricted" animals.
"It’s very cool work," says aging researcher Cynthia Kenyon of the University of California, San Francisco. "These mice eat all they want, lose weight and live longer. It’s like heaven. "
Calorie restriction dramatically extends the lifespan of organisms as different as worms and rodents. Whether this works in humans is still unknown, partly because few people are willing to submit to such a strict diet.
But many researchers hope they will be able to tr
A. offering them less food.
B. giving them a balanced diet.
C. disrupting the specific genes in their fat cells.
D. preventing them growing larger.
[填空题]3. With Genetic Gift, 2 Monkeys Are Viewing a More Colorful World
Dalton and Sam are male squirrel monkeys, about a foot tall. (46) Dalton and Sam lead a more protected life in the laboratory of Jay and Maureen Neitz at the University of Washington, Seattle. Recently, the Neitzes endowed them with a new genetic gift : the ability to see the world with full color vision.
Male squirrel monkeys have only two of the color pigments (色素) known as opsins (视蛋白), unlike people who have three. The Neitzes, with Katherine Mancuso and other colleagues, used the technique of gene therapy to introduce the gene for the missing red pigment into the cone cells of the monkeys’ retinas (视网膜). (47)
It was somewhat surprising that the monkeys’ brains could take advantage of a third opsin. The retina, however, seems to work by recording the difference between the signals from neighboring cones, the cells that detect color. (48)
New World male monk


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