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发布时间:2024-01-06 18:24:29

[单项选择]Speaker A: That movie was awful. I was wondering why it got such great reviews.
Speaker B: It was hardly worth the price of admission. ( ).
A. Nobody wants to see it
B. I certainly don’t want to see it again
C. It was more expensive than I thought it should be
D. Its maker should be given a death penalty

更多"Speaker A: That movie was awful. I "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Speaker A: I was wondering if I could take four courses next semester.
Speaker B: ( ) We already have such a heavy course load.
A. Come on. Four is better than three.
B. Why don’t you choose three instead of four
C. Dare you try to take four
D. Don’t you believe four courses are OK
[单项选择]Speaker A: I’ve been wondering what sort of clothes we are going to need for our visit. ______
Speaker B: It’s not very pleasant, I m sorry to say. Generally, there are more rainy days in May than in any other months, but at least it isn’t cold ther then.
A. Is it cold in your country in May
B. What’s the weather like in your country in May
C. Is it rainy in your country in May
D. What does the weatherman say about the weather in your country in May
[单项选择]Speaker A: ( )
Speaker B: I’m a student.
Speaker A: What are you studying
Speaker B: Medicine.
A. Are you a student
B. What are you doing
C. How do you do
D. What do you do

M: What a boring speaker! I can hardly stay awake.
W: Well, I don’t know. In fact, I think it’s been a long time since I’ve heard anyone is good.

What can we know from the conversation()
A. The woman has got to know the speaker for a short time.
B. The woman thinks highly of the speaker.
C. The man is boring.

W:Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me.
M:Sure. I’ll be glad to try,What do you need
W:Can you tell me when the next bus leaves for Chicago
M:H-m-m. It looks like one leaves at 12:15.

When will the next bus leave for Chicago()
A. 12:15
B. 1:45
C. 62:50
D. 11:15

Speaker A: Can I help you
Speaker B: Yes, I’m looking for a tape recorder. Do you ()
Speaker A: Well, let me see. How about this recorder It’s stereo, and it’s on sale for only $89.99.

A. have anything for sale
B. have anything on sale
C. have anything in sell
D. have anything to sell

I was wondering through the street when I caught sight of a strange store; there wasn’t anything but empty shelves at one end of the room in front of which a man was standing on a (21) platform(平台) and shouting loudly that the greatest sale of the year was (22) to begin. I decided to stay and see (23) would happen. A salesman began to pile (24) of things on the shelves such as table-lamps, clocks, combs and a large quantity of small packets (25) in bright paper. When the man at the table was (26) that a large crowd of peo pie had gathered, he began handing out the packets, asking for the sum(金额) of three pence (27) , and declaring the (28) of the contents was fifty times as much.
I paid three pence for my packet and was (29) told I should not open it until after the sale. All these beautiful things the man announced, would be simply (30) . He was as good as his (31) , for he held up a razor
A. price
B. value
C. cost
D. usefulness


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