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发布时间:2023-10-04 10:21:22

[单项选择]According to Pakistan’s President, the chances of the two countries going to war were()
A. great.
B. small.
C. growing.
D. greater than before.

更多"According to Pakistan’s President, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to Pakistan’’s President, the chances of the two countries going to war were_______.
A. great.
B. small.
C. growing.
D. greater than before.
[单项选择]According to a major U.S. newspaper, President Bush will ______ a mission to the country W investigate the cause of the sudden disappearance of the two diplomats.
A. assign
B. dispatch
C. undertake
D. execute

According to the comments of President Absul Krim, what is the attitude of the Syrian people towards the war
President Hoover’s Politics During the Great Depression

At first everything seemed fine and dandy. America was enjoying one of the biggest economic surges in the nation’s history. However, even though America benefited from the economic boom of the so called "Roaring Twenties", the imbalance between the rich and the poor combined with the production of more and more goods and rising personal debt caused one of the biggest recessions in history. On Black Tuesday, October 29,1929, the stock market crashed, triggering the Great Depression, which was the worst economic collapse in the history of the modern, industrial world. It spread from the United States and rippled out to the rest of the world, with banks failing and businesses going bust for over a span of a decade, leaving more than a quarter of the working force in America without jobs.
President Herbert Hoover, underestimating the seriousness of the crisis, called it "a p
A. The sudden ability to mass produce goods due to technological advances.
B. The growing imbalance between the lifestyles of the rich and famous and the middle class.
C. Increasing numbers of personal debt leading to individual bankruptcy.
D. The excessive and superfluous production of supplies.
[单项选择]According to the news, French President Chirac disagreed with President Bush on ______.
A. sending more NATO troops to Iraq
B. changing the way NATO acts in Iraq
C. contributing non-military NATO support for Iraq
D. playing a new role in Iraq proposed by President Bush
[简答题]President Obama’s call for tax breaks for corporate investment, which would allow businesses to write off the cost of new investments in plants and equipment, and thereby create an incentive for businesses to spend money, are a step in the right direction, Almeida says. ’The government made the right call here,’ he said. ’There’s no point in spurring bank lending if firms have cash to spare, so creating an incentive for them to spend through a tax break for investment is a good idea.’


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