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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:28:15


Passage One
From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop’s fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened.
It’s the fable about a thirsty crow. The bird comes across a jar with the water level too low for him to reach. The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the jar. The moral tells: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.
Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online by the journal Current Biology.
Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments. Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-i
A. found a way to raise the water level
B. broke the tube with larger stones
C. counted how many stones they would need
D. cooperated peacefully

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Passage One
From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop’s fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened.
It’s the fable about a thirsty crow. The bird comes across a jar with the water level too low for him to reach. The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the jar. The moral tells: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.
Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online by the journal Current Biology.
Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments. Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-i
A. Animals are smarter than we have expected.
B. Aesop’s fables tell real morals.
C. Necessity is the mother of invention.
D. Some of Aesop’s fables may be true.


From the goose that laid the golden egg to the race between the tortoise and the hare, Aesop’s fables are known for teaching moral lessons rather than literally being true. But a new study says at least one such tale might really have happened.
It’s the fable about a thirsty crow(乌鸦). The bird comes across a jar with the water level too low for him to reach. The crow raises the water level by dropping stones into the jar. The moral tells: Little by little does the trick, or in other retellings, necessity is the mother of invention.
Now, scientists report that some relatives of crows called rooks used the same stone-dropping strategy to get at a floating worm. Results of experiments with three birds were published online by the journbal Current Biology.
Rooks, like crows, had already been shown to use tools in previous experiments. Christopher Bird of Cambridge University and a colleague exposed the rooks to a 6-inch-tall clear plastic tube cont
A. Animals are smarter than we have expected.
B. Aesop’s fables tell real morals.
C. Necessity is the mother of invention.
D. Some of Aesop’s fables may be true.

[单项选择]Passage 3
The golden rule for good writing is not a rule of grammar. It is true that there are rules of grammar, as in music there are rules of harmony, and that they are important, but one can no more write good English merely by keeping these rules than one can compose good music. The golden rule for good writing concerns not merely the arrangement of words but the choice of them. Only the right words can convey the right meaning: the secret is to pick those words and to use them and them only. For the "right" words have a happy knack (a clever way) of arranging themselves for you. But, first, you must have something to say. Matthew Arnold once said: "Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style." There is much truth in those words, especially in relation to the sort of writing where emotional appea
A. study carefully the style of writing
B. know the rules of grammar well
C. watch the arrangements of words in our sentences
D. know what we want to say and choose the right words
[单项选择]A. From twelve to one. B. From one to two.
C. From twelve to two. D. From two to three.
[单项选择]After Susan Joyce was laid off from Digital Equipment Corp., she was horrified to hear of two suicides in her layoff group. Such cases may sound (62) , but being fired or laid off is undeniably one of life’s biggest blows and can lead to clinical depression, violence and alcohol (63) , and so forth. Even the fear of losing a job (64) more doctor visits and health worries. (65) , the recent news about rising unemployment and job insecurity may be bad news for our health.
Layoffs create a sense of hopelessness. Stress-related complaints such as insomnia (失眠) and headaches tend to follow, (66) even after victims find new jobs, says University of Michigan psychologist Richard Price.
Your health can (67) simply from fear of losing your job, says Sarah Burgard, a sociologist at the University of Michigan. After (68) data from two large national storeys, she concluded that (69) job insecurity over a two-year peri


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