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发布时间:2024-01-25 19:47:00

[单项选择]Daniel Defoe was famous for his novel ______ which is often celebrated as the first novel in English literature.
A. Gulliver’s Travels
B. The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
C. Tom Jones
D. Oliver Twist

更多"Daniel Defoe was famous for his nov"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ is Hemingway’s first true novel which portrays "the lost generation".
A. A Farewell to Arms
B. The Old Man and the Sea
C. For Whom the Bell Tolls
D. The Sun Also Rises
[单项选择]The novel, which is a work of art, exists not by its()life, but by its immeasurable difference from life
A. significance in
B. imagination at
C. resemblance to
D. predominance over
[填空题]Which grade was his son in
[单项选择]On knowing that his novel won the Pulitzer Prize, his friends held a big party()
A. in his glory
B. in his honor
C. for his glory
D. for his honor
[单项选择]The novel is most commonly published in which two languages
A. Spanish and Chinese.
B. French and German.
C. English and German.
D. Spanish and English.
[单项选择]Who is famous for his historical novel of Rob Roy
A. Scott
B. Richard Sheridan
C. Ben Johnson
D. Bernard Shaw
[简答题]In his classic novel, The Pioneer, James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bewildered. All she sees is a forest. "Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me " She asks. He’s astonished she can’t see them. "Where Why everywhere," he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished. Cooper was illustrating a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness, the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said, "Life for the American is always becoming, never being."
[简答题]In his classic novel, The Pioneers, James Fenimore Cooper has his hero, a land developer, take his cousin on a tour of the city he is building. He describes the broad streets, rows of houses, a teeming metropolis. But his cousin looks around bewildered. All she sees is a forest. "Where are the beauties and improvements which you were to show me.’ " she asks. He’s astonished she can’t see them. "Where! Why everywhere," he replies. For though they are not yet built on earth, he has built them in his mind, and they are as concrete to him as if they were already constructed and finished.
Cooper was illustrating a distinctly American trait, future-mindedness: the ability to see the present from the vantage point of the future; the freedom to feel unencumbered by the past and more emotionally attached to things to come. As Albert Einstein once said, "Life for the American is always becoming, never being./

[填空题]In his great Victorian novel A Tale of Two Cites, Charles Dickens begins his story with these well - known lines:
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness... , it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going the other way.
______ In fact he was just stating some facts about the way people view time and events differently.
  • A. The English language is loaded with phrases that express the value of time.
  • B. It is a good idea to take a close look at the fascinating concept of time, and examine how it is treated differently in America by various cultures and in different situations.
  • C. Regions, groups, organizations, and individuals all have their own concepts of how to view time.
  • D. No matter how we want to loo
[单项选择]His novel was adapted for the stage in 1949 as a musical play (entitled) as St. Louis woman.
A. chosen for
B. included
C. starred
D. named
[单项选择]The forest from which Man takes his timber is the tallest and most impressive plant community on Earth. In terms of Man’ s brief life it appears permanent and unchanging, save for the seasonal growth and fall of the leaves, but to forester it represents the climax of a long succession of events.
No wooded landscape we see today has been forest for all time. Plants have minimum requirements of temperature and moisture and, in ages past, virtually every part of Earth ’ s surface has at some time been either too dry or too cold for plants to survive. However, as soon as climatic conditions change in favour of plant life, a fascinating sequence of changes occurs, called a primary succession.
First to colonize the barren land are the lowly lichens, surviving on bare rock. Slowly, the acids produced by these organisms crack the rock surface, plant debris accumulates, and mosses establish a shallow root-hold. Ferns may follow and, with short grasses and shrubs, gradually form a cove
A. Ferns must take root.
B. The ground must be covered with grass.
C. More soil must accumulate.
D. Smaller plants must die out.


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