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发布时间:2024-04-19 01:24:37

[填空题] Researchers in Troy, New York, have made the world’’s smallest brushes, with bristles a thousand times thinner than a human hair. They’’re (36)________to sweep clean the tiny world of nanotechnology. Brushes, brooms and hairy fly swats are probably among the first tools (37)________ by humans. (38)________, an ancient paintbrush used by a prehistoric cave artist (39)________ from 30,000 years ago. So it’’s (40)________ that miniature versions of these should adorn the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. The bristles of these new nanobrushes are made of tiny (41)________ filaments thirty billionths of a meter across and a few (42)________long. The brush handles they’’re attached to are comparatively large — (43)________ than a human hair! The researchers have taken microscope pictures (44)________________________—particles that would escape any normal brush. The researchers also used their brushes to paint microstructures; and (45) ________________________. If the tin

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[填空题] Researchers in Troy, New York, have made the world’’s smallest brushes, with bristles a thousand times thinner than a human hair. They’’re (36)________to sweep clean the tiny world of nanotechnology. Brushes, brooms and hairy fly swats are probably among the first tools (37)________ by humans. (38)________, an ancient paintbrush used by a prehistoric cave artist (39)________ from 30,000 years ago. So it’’s (40)________ that miniature versions of these should adorn the burgeoning field of nanotechnology. The bristles of these new nanobrushes are made of tiny (41)________ filaments thirty billionths of a meter across and a few (42)________long. The brush handles they’’re attached to are comparatively large — (43)________ than a human hair! The researchers have taken microscope pictures (44)________________________—particles that would escape any normal brush. The researchers also used their brushes to paint microstructures; and (45) ________________________. If the tin
[单项选择]Physicists have made new discoveries that challenge our()theories of the universe.
A. existed
B. adapted
C. accepted
D. established
[单项选择]Researchers all over the world have been seeking for determining how early infancy conceptual thinking is possible.( )
A. have been seeking about determining
B. have been seeking to determine about
C. have been seeking to determine
D. have sought to determine
[单项选择]Science and new technology have made such rapid progress in agriculture that modern machines can do almost all farm work, and therefore have made it possible for farmers to pro- duce more food on the same amount of land. When people live in plenty, vegetables and fruits are becoming more and more popular. As a result more and more vegetables and fruits are in greater need.
Can orchard workers harvest fruits with machines as farmers to crops Yes, they can. Scientists have already invented many different fruit-harvesting machines. Now, let’s take cherry picking machine for example. The cherry-picking machine first shakes a cherry tree, then catches cherries in heavy sheets and pushes the fruit along belts. The cherries are then dropped into huge containers of water, in which they are washed clean, and look fresh and pretty when they are placed into plastic boxes which come along the belt one after another. All this work is finished within three minutes. In this way two orchard worke
A. Science, New Technology and Agriculture
B. Development of Science and New Technology Has Improved Agriculture
C. Orchard Workers Are Interested in the Development of Science and New Technology
D. Science and New Technology Can Enrich a Country
[单项选择] 8 New York Students Have Swine Flu   The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 51 of swine flu in eight students at a New York preparatory school, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Sunday. The students have had only 52 symptoms and none have been hospitalized, he said. Some of the students have already recovered.   More than 100 students were absent from 53 due to flu-like symptoms last week. New York health officials tested samples for eight students Saturday and determined the students were probably 54 from swine flu, and the CDC confirmed the 55 on Sunday, Bloomberg said.   The announcement brings the 56 of confirmed swine flu cases in the United States to 20. Bloomberg and New York Health Commissioner Tom Frieden said there is no 57 of a citywide outbreak of the flu, and no sign of a potential 58 of swine flu at other schools.   Some students at the school 59 spring break1 in Mexico, Bloomberg said, but authorities have not determined 60 any of the students with
A. person
B. matter
C. thing
D. illness


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