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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:31:03

[单项选择]()your timely advice, I would never have known how to go about the work.
A. Unless
B. Except for
C. Not for
D. But for

更多"()your timely advice, I would never"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Without your timely advice and help, we()so much.
A. will never achieve
B. could hardly achieve
C. can’t have achieved
D. wouldn’t have achieved
[填空题]But for your timely advice, ___________________ (我可能永远也不知道该怎么完成这项任务).

[单项选择]()I realized the consequences, I would never have intended to get involveD.
A. If
B. When
C. Had
D. Unless
[单项选择]I would never have believed it was possible if I ______ it with my own eyes.
A. didn’t see
B. don’t see
C. won’t see
D. hadn’t seen
[单项选择]I would never have( )a court of law if I hadn’t been so desperate.
A. sought for
B. accounted for
C. turned up
D. resorted to
[填空题]______(要是我早知道你会告诉我), I would never have told you the secret.


M: How would you like your coffee
W: Milky one without sugar, please.

What kind of coffee would the woman like( ).
A. Black coffee.
B. With milk and sugar.
C. With milk and no sugar.
[单项选择]Interview OneMost British teenagers would never carry their mobile phones ______.
A. on their belt
B. in their bag
C. in their pocket
D. in their luggage

M: How would you like your hair cut
W: it’ s getting a little too long, but I don’ t cut it too much.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Student - teacher.
B. Doctor - patient.
C. Buyer - salesman.
D. Hairdresser - customer.
[填空题]How many children would a woman have in the nineteenth century and what is the difference now

[单项选择]You never realize how fortunate you are to have good health until it is suddenly brought home to you by the sight of suffering.()
A. 除非你突然亲眼目睹体弱多病之苦,不然,你不会队识到你有一个健康的身体是何等幸运。
B. 你永远不会意识到拥有健康是多么幸运,除非健康光临你家。
C. 除非健康和苦难同时降临你家,否则,你不会幸运的。
D. 你从来不知道拥有健康是多么幸运。直到有一天,疾病突然降临,你才如梦方醒。
[单项选择]If books had never been discovered, man would have found some other way of recording his communication. But then, for our consideration, we should include as books everything that is a written record. This would include tablets, papyrus and anything else—including computer diskettes. In the case of music, it would be impossible to think that man can live without it. Looking at primitive cultures, it appears that music is actually a part of the human psyche. When two things are knocked together, music is produced. So for the sake of our discussion, it is intended to restrict the meaning of music to the popularly accepted concept. Music is the pleasing combination of sounds that we like to listen to.
Though it is difficult to, we can pretend that these things never existed. In this case we would not miss them today. To compare with recent inventions, let. us look at radio and television. Though we cannot think of life without them today, this is so only from comparatively recent t
A. music like books is a human invention
B. it is crucial for self-expression
C. enjoyable sounds exist in our environment
D. plays, songs and movies depend on it


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