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发布时间:2024-01-21 01:32:00

[单项选择]Passage TwoA. Scientists and philosophers had never studied the human body and its functions.
B. Many of the ideas and theories that people used to accept were all incorrect.
C. People used to accept ideas and theories.
D. People used to accept undoubtedly many of the ideas and theories, correct and incorrect.

更多"Passage TwoA. Scientists and philos"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. Scientists and philosophers had never studied the human body and its functions. B. Many of the ideas and theories that people used to accept were all incorrect. G. People used to accept ideas and theories. D. People used to accept undoubtedly many of the ideas and theories, correct and incorrect.
[填空题]The Writer of this passage had acted as a secretary and an actor in his or her career.

Passage Four
Andrea had never seen an old lady hitchhiking(搭车) before. However, the weather and the coming dark ness made her feel sorry for the lady. The old lady had some difficulty climbing in through the car door, and pushed her big brown canvas shopping bag down onto the floor under her feet. She said to Andrea, in a voice that was almost a whisper. "Thank you dearie—I’m just going to Brockbourne."
Something in the way the lady spoke, and the way she never turned her head made Andrea uneasy about this strange hitchhiker. She didn’t know why, but she felt instinctively that there was something wrong, some thing odd, something.., dangerous. But how could an old lady be dangerous It was absurd.
Careful not to turn her head, Andrea looked sideways at her passenger. She studied the hat, the dirty collar of the dress, the shapeless body, the arms with the thick black hairs... Thick black hairs Hairy arms Andrea% blood froz
A. the hitchhiker was an old woman
B. she was curious about the old lady
C. the lady had a heavy bag
D. she knew the old lady

[单项选择]Passage Six
Scientists have known for more than two decades that cancer is a disease of the genes. Something scrambles the DNA inside a nucleus, and suddenly, instead of dividing in a measured fashion, a cell begins to copy itself furiously. Unlike an ordinary cell, it never, stops. But describing the process isn’t the same as figuring it out. Cancer cells are so radically different from normal ones that it’s almost impossible to untangle the sequence of events that made them that way. So for years researchers have been attacking the problem by taking normal cells and trying to determine what changes will turn them cancerous - always Without success.
According to a report in the current issue of Nature, a team of scientists based at M. I .T.’s Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research has finally managed to make human ceils malignant -a f
A. to subject them to two more genes
B. to keep the division from slowing down
C. to promote the production of telomerase
D. to prevent excessive ceils copying

Passage Four
It had been a long, brutal day on the sales floor for young Brent. He’d had his share of "ups"--what retail salespeople say when it’s their turn with the next customer--and more than his share of downs. And now he was in danger of being shut out for the day.
He hadn’t been shut out in a long time. Even in his early days with the company, he could always sell something to someone. He was a natural.
But not on this day. This, of course, exposed him to some good-natured ridicule from his associates, who took not-so-secret delight in seeing the sales genius get his stroke of misfortune.
Brent had more at stake here than just professional pride and reputation, however. Brent was a new father. He and his wife, Kay, had decided that she would be a full-time morn, which meant he would financially support the family. When he did well on the sales floor, finances weren’t a probl
A. creative
B. hard-working
C. experienced
D. warm-hearted


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