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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:43:20


Economy, one of the principles of success in the details of housekeeping, consists not alone (1) making advantageous use of fresh material, but in carefully (2) and utilizing the "left-over" fragments and bits of food. Few cooks can make (3) perfect calculation respecting the needs of their families as to provide just enough and no more, and the waste of the (4) is in many homes fully equal (5) one haft the cost of the meal. (6) anything need ever be wasted. There are ways of utilizing almost every kind of cooked food (7) it will be quite as appetizing and nutritious as when first prepared.
All left-over foods, as grains, vegetables, or others of a (8) character, should be removed to clean dishes. (9) this precaution is observed, the tiny bits about the (10) of the dish, which become sour or moldy much sooner than the larger mass, are apt to (11) the whole. They sh
A. of
B. with
C. by
D. in

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Economy, one of the principles of success in the details of housekeeping, consists not alone (1) making advantageous use of fresh material, but in carefully (2) and utilizing the "left-over" fragments and bits of food. Few cooks can make (3) perfect calculation respecting the needs of their families as to provide just enough and no more, and the waste of the (4) is in many homes fully equal (5) one haft the cost of the meal. (6) anything need ever be wasted. There are ways of utilizing almost every kind of cooked food (7) it will be quite as appetizing and nutritious as when first prepared.
All left-over foods, as grains, vegetables, or others of a (8) character, should be removed to clean dishes. (9) this precaution is observed, the tiny bits about the (10) of the dish, which become sour or moldy much sooner than the larger mass, are apt to (11) the whole. They sh
A. preserving
B. reserving
C. conserving
D. deserving


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