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发布时间:2024-03-28 21:19:35

[单项选择]Has the father given up smoking
A. Yes, he used to.
B. No, he hasn’t.
C. Yes, he has.

更多"Has the father given up smoking"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Tom has already given up the () of smoking for the sake of health.
A. custom
B. habit
C. hobby
D. convention
[单项选择]He has made up his mind to give up smoking.
A. tried
B. attempted
C. agreed
D. decided
[填空题]______ (他过去抽烟很厉害), but now he has given it up.

[单项选择]Smoking in bed has long been the main cause of home fires. Despite a significant decline in cigarette smoking in the last two decades, however, there has been no comparable decline in the number of people killed in home fires. Each one of the following statements, if true over the last two decades, helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy above EXCEPT:
A. Compared to other types of home fires, home fires caused by smoking in bed usually cause relatively little damage before they are extinguished.
B. Home fires caused by smoking in bed often break out after the home’s occupants have fallen asleep.
C. Smokers who smoke in bed tend to be heavy smokers who are less likely to quit smokers than are smokers who do not smoking in bed.
D. An increasing number of people have been killed in home fires that started in the kitchen.
E. (E) Population densities have increased, with the result that one home fire can cause more deaths than in previous decades.
[填空题]Emma’s father really has a new project on his new job.

[单项选择]His father has been suffering from lung cancer for half a year, so the doctor Suggest that he ___________ an operation as soon as possible.
A. takes
B. would take
C. took
D. should
[单项选择]My father has promised to put his car entirely at our ______ for the holiday.
A. disposal
B. usage
C. pleasure
D. disposition
[单项选择]My father has classes ( ) day: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
A. each other
B. every other
C. this and the other
D. all other
[单项选择]My father is used to smoking and drinking. There’s no chance ______ I’m able to talk him into
A. whether; giving it up
B. of whether; giving them up
C. that; getting rid of them
D. which; stopping it
[单项选择]My father has been on the ()in this factory for nearly 20 years.
A. paypacket
B. payoff
C. payroll
D. payment
[单项选择]If his father could not keep up the payments on the mortgage, his uncle might()it for him.
A. redeem
B. amend
C. resemble
D. appeal
[填空题]My father has had one of his (tooth)()taken out.
[单项选择]They have given up the hope to save their friend from drowning.
A. ended
B. abandoned
C. built
D. strengthened


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