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发布时间:2024-03-11 18:03:11

[填空题]Kids who often struggle over words and have trouble understanding text enjoy themselves in the process.

更多"Kids who often struggle over words "的相关试题:

[填空题]Kids who often struggle over words and have trouble understanding text enjoy themselves in the process.
[填空题]Kids who often struggle over words and______(理解课文有困难) find little enjoyment in the process of reading.


This program will take kids who have a manifest history of violent acts()

A. determined
B. demonstrated
C. administrated
D. distinguished
[单项选择]How often do most places have earthquakes

Good writers are often also ()readers who enjoy equally fiction and nonfiction, prose and poetry, philosophy and science.

A. carnivorous
B. omnivorous
C. herbivorous
D. prestigious
[单项选择]Who spilled the drink all over David

Who spilled the drink all over David
A.The man next to him. B.David’s morn.
C.The flight attendant. D.The ticket agent.
A. The man next to him.
B. David’s morn.
C. The flight attendant.
D. The ticket agent.
[单项选择]The forest guards often find campfires that have not been ______ completely.
A. burned
B. put out
C. put away
D. turned over
[简答题]People often wonder why they have spend so much money at the supermarket, and often on things they didn’t intend to buy in the first place. A recent survey indicates that 75% of all grocery shoppers make at least one impulse buying. They may be attracted by eye-catching display, or colorful package. For those shoppers, there is a simple way of avoiding impulse buying, and saving money on groceries. That is, they should make a shopping list beforehand, and stick to it.

[填空题]It often appears that we have more to gain by speaking than by listening. One big advantage of speaking is that it gives you a chance to control others’ thoughts and actions. Whatever your goal--to have a prospective boss hire you, to (36) others to vote for the (37) of your choice, or to describe the way you want your hair cut-the key to success seems to be the ability to speak well.
Another (38) advantage of speaking is the chance it provides to gain the (39) , respect, or liking of others. Tell jokes, and everyone will think you’re a real wit. Offer advice, and they’ll be grateful for your help. Tell them all you know, and they’ll be (40) by your wisdom. But keep quite.., and it seems as if you’ll look like a worthless nobody.
Finally, talking gives you the chance to release energy in a way that listening can’t. When you’re (41) , the chance to talk about your problems can often help you feel better. In the


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