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发布时间:2024-03-28 20:34:31


W: Will you be joining us later in the basketball game
M: No, thanks. I have to prepare for my tomorrow’s presentation.

What will the man do( ).
A. To play basketball.
B. To go out for a walk.
C. To go to the library.
D. To prepare for the presentation.

更多"W: Will you be joining us later in "的相关试题:


W: Can you tell us what you like doing in the evening
M: Well, I like music. I listen to a lot of pop music, but best of all I like watching TV. It’s much better than reading a book.

What is the man’s favorite free-time activity ( )
A. Watching TV.
B. Reading a book.
C. Listening to music.

W: Well, see you later. My husband is waiting for me to go to the movies.
M: Give him my best regards. I look forward to seeing you both again soon.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Roommates.
B. Friends.
C. Husband and wife.
D. Mother and son.
[填空题]How many things are you supposed to save if you use the software
______, ______ and ______.

[填空题]In (compare)()with what you promised us earlier, what you have done has really disappointed us.

W: I tell you what, why don’t we meet later I’ve got quite a bit of shopping to do and you don’t want to follow me round, do you You could go to the travel agent’s and for the other things you want to do in the meantime.
M: All right, then I’ll go to the travel agent’s first. It’s easy to find, is it
W: I gave you a map, didn’t I Have you got it Good. See where we are now At the bottom. Go straight up this road until you come to the T-junction. Turn right and then take the first turning on the left and you’ll find yourself in a shopping street, it’s the High Street, in fact. There’s a supermarket and a library on the left but don’t go that far. Take the first turning on the right — it’s quite a narrow road — and it’s the one, two, third shop on the left, you can’t miss it.
M: OK. Well, that shouldn’t take long. I’ll need a bank after that, to g
A. At Bright’s.
B. At Hatchers’.
C. At the post office.
D. At a bookshop.


W: Well, I’ll see you later. My wife is waiting for me to take her shopping.
M: Well, give her my regards. I look forward to seeing you both on Saturday.

What may be the relationship between the man and the woman ()
A. Friends.
B. Mother and son.
C. Husband and wife.
D. Shopkeeper and customer.
[单项选择]"It doesn’t matter what ethical assumptions you use," says Michael Grubb, an expert on climate change policy, cold financial arguments are enough to decide what to do about global warming.What does Weitzman’s new method suggest
[A] It is more sophisticated than traditional cost-benefit analysis.
[B] It takes ethical assumptions into calculating the amount of investment.
[C] Extreme events should be considered in cost-benefit analysis.
[D] It tells us that we should take the problem much more seriously.

The natural environment still manages to fill us with a sense of awe and amazement. Despite the amount of scientific knowledge mankind has gathered, nature still holds great mysteries that we may never be able to unravel. This complexity has continually daunted man.(66)______As a result, we have distanced ourselves from the earth, even though our survival is completely dependent on it. We are now trying to regain our close connection to nature.
(67)______Referred to as "natural architecture", it aims to create a new, more harmonious, relationship between man and nature by exploring what it means to design with nature in mind.
The roots of this movement can be found in earlier artistic shifts like the "land art" movement of the late nineteen sixties. Although this movement was focused on protesting the austerity of the gallery and the commercialization of art, it managed to expand the formal link between art and nature. (68)______
The mo
A. This has helped develop a new appreciation of nature in all forms of art and design.
B. Instead, the structures deliberately expose the natural materials used in the building process.
C. The core concept of the movement is that mankind can live harmoniously with nature, changing and using it for our needs
D. There is an emerging art movement that is exploring mankind’s desire to reconnect to the earth, through the built environment.
E. Because of this, the results often resemble native architecture, reflecting the desire to return to a less technological world.
F. In frustration, we try to control nature by enforcing order.


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