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发布时间:2024-03-01 23:02:29

[填空题]Part 2
·John Williams, personnel director of a company, receives an application from Jack Smith applying for a position in the company but there are no openings.
☆ Suppose you are John Williams. Now write a letter (30-40 words) to Smith to express appreciation and explain the job situation.

更多"Part 2 ·John Williams, personnel d"的相关试题:


·You are Marketing Director of a supermarket. You have been asked to prepare a short proposal for your board of directors on the restructuring of your supermarket.
·Look at the information below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.
·Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your report.
· Write 120-140 words.

· You are the Marketing Director of a stationery company, which is a subsidiary of a larger corporation. The chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week.
· Write a memo to all your staff:
· informing them of the visit
· telling them why the visitor is coming
· telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for him.
· Write 40-50 words.


Email writing has become a large part of modern communication, particularly in business. The world has become much smaller now that we have the ability to send and receive email messages over great distances at an incredible speed. Due to the ease of use it has the potential to be abused and you should try to keep the following points in mind when writing email.
There is a certain etiquette(礼节) with email, especially in the use of the carbon copy (cc:) and blind carbon copy (bcc:) fields. It is courteous to add addresses to the ’cc:’ field if those people need to know about the subject but are not required to act on the contents.
The ’bcc:’ field is useful where discretion is required. People in this field are concealed from other recipients in the ’ To’, ’ cc:’ and ’ bcc:’ fields. They can themselves see others in the ’To’ and ’cc:’ fields but not the ’bcc:’ fi

[简答题]Part AYou want to invite John Smith, your former English teacher, to attend a reunion party of your class. Write an email to him, 1) telling him the purpose of the party, time and place of the party, etc.; 2) expressing your wish for his accepting the invitation. You should write approximately 100 words. Do not use your own name at the end of your email. Use "Wang Lin" instead.
You probably enjoy being a part of your local community.
You may attend church services, belong to a neighborhood watch
group, chat with neighbors over the fence, or meeting neighborhood 62. ______.
friends at a local restaurant. It’s human nature to want to bond with
others, so it’s not surprised to find that people are seeking out each 63. ______.
other online by forming all sorts of Internet communities.
The Internet is brimming with groups of people who are
sharing experiences, learning from each other, and enjoy the 64. ______.
Multi-person. Internet communities can take several different forms. Two
of the most common forms are message boards and chat rooms,
either of which are based on shared interests. 65. ______.
Message boards, also called forums, are extremely popular.
They are places where people post comments for all other
participants to read. M


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