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发布时间:2023-12-04 07:58:43

[单项选择]An American university president once commented that "Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. It may be some generations before the average mind grasps the identity of time and space, and so on, but even ordinary men understand now that the universe is something vast than ever thought before. "( ).
A. It may be some generations
B. before
C. something vast
D. than ever thought before.

更多"An American university president on"的相关试题:

[简答题]Write a letter to the university president about the canteen service on campus and base your composition on the outline given below:
(1) The quality of the food.
(2) The price of the meal.
(3) The environment in the canteen.
(4) The service you may argue for or against all of above.
[单项选择]American economists once spoofed university education as the only industry in which those who consume its product do not purchase it; those who produce it do not sell it, and those who finance it do not control it. That apt description, made in the 1970s, has been undermined since then by the emergence of the first for-profit universities in the United States. Controlled by entrepreneurs, these schools which number about 700 and counting sell a practical education to career-minded students and make a good buck doing it. They are now expanding abroad, creating the first multinational corporations in a sector long suspicious of balance sheets.
The companies are lured by a booming market in which capitalist competition is still scarce. The number of university students is expected to double in the next 25 years to 170 million worldwide. Demand greatly exceeds supply, because the 1990s saw massive global investment in primary and secondary schools, but not in universities. The number
[单项选择]Invented by American computer scientists during the 1970s, the Internet has been embraced around the globe. During the network’s first three decades, most Internet traffic flowed through the United States. In many cases, data sent between two locations within a given country also passed through the United States.
Engineers who help run the Internet said that it would have been impossible for the United States to maintain its hegemony (统治权) over the long run because of the very nature of the Internet; it has no central point of control.
And now, the balance of power is shifting. Data is increasingly flowing around the United States, which may have intelligence--and conceivably military--consequences.
American intelligence officials have warned about this shift. "Because of the nature of global telecommunications, we are playing with a tremendous home-field advantage, and we need to exploit that edge," Michael V. Hayden, the director of the Central Intelligence Agenc
A. the Internet was invented by American scientists
B. most Internet traffic flowed through the United States
C. the internet has to be under the control of a central point
D. the United States shared their roads for Internet traffic with other countries
When I became president of the University of Michigan, affirmative action in higher education was under siege. Buoyed by a successful lawsuit against the University of Texas law school’s admission policy and by ballot initiatives such as California’s Proposition 209, which outlawed race as a factor in college admissions, the opponents set their sights on affirmative-action programs at college across the country.
The rumor that Michigan would be the next target in this campaign turned out to be correct. I believed strongly that we had no choice but to mount the best legal defense ever for diversity in higher education and take special efforts to explain this complex issue, in simple and direct language, to the American public. There are many mispereeptions about how race and ethnieity are considered in college admissions. Competitive colleges and universi
A. Competitive colleges and universities need a mix of students with different experiences and background.
B. More points should be allocated for race or socioeconomic status.
C. In admitting students, traditional academic factors are weighed more.
D. Diversity has given America what is so good about it.


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